MB1 - Consciousness Definitions

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 09-05-18 18:27
Moment-to-moment awareness of ourselves and the environment
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Freudian conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious
Conscious are thoughts we are aware of, Pre-conscious are thoughts outside current awareness but are easily accessed and unconscious are thoughts that can only be accessed under unordinary conditions
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Cognitive conscious and unconscious
Conscious are processes that are controlled with awareness, unconscious are processes that occur automatically
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Divided Attention
Attend to more than one activity at the same time because one or both of the activities are automatic
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Visual Agnosia
Impairment of recognition of visual objects however brain activity shows some unconscious recognition for familiar vs. unfamiliar stimuli
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Blindness in part of visual field but can still respond as if it has been seen and sometimes feels like something happens
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Exposure to a stimuli at an unconscious level which affects subsequent behaviour
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Beta Waves
High frequency and low amplitude waves that occur during alertness
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Alpha Waves
Low frequency and high amplitude waves that occur when relaxed
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REM Sleep
Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep in which dreams are very frequent and brain activity is high
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Hypnagogic State
Vivid images and hallucinations often experiences in the transition from stage 1 to 2
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Series of images, thoughts and sensations occurring in the mind during sleep
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Psychoanalytic Theory of Dreams
Wish fulfilment, expression of urges and psychological meanings
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Activation-Synthesis Model of Dreams
Dreams have no function but are a product of REM activity which the cerebral cortex tries to organise
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Cognitive Theory of Dream
Allows for problem solving and represent normal waking behaviour/brain activity
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Heightened suggestibility and vivid imagination
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Hypnotic Induction
Process of being led into a hypnotic state
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Hypnotic Susceptibility
Scale of how easily one can be hypnotically induced
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Dissociation Theory of Hypnosis
Hypnosis splits consciousness
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Social-Cognitive Theory of Hypnosis
Expectations of someone who is motivated to be hypnotised produces experience of hypnosis
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Neural Consciousness
The neurological states that correlate with consciousness such as unified activity in different systems of the brain
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Enactive Consciousness
Alternative to neural consciousness that doesn't deny neural representation but says we use skills to generate perceptions and conscious (more active role)
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Focussed Attention
Selectively concentrate on aspects of the environment and respond to specific stimuli
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Filter Model of Focussed Attention
Filter information at an early stage in the attention process
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Late Selection Model of Focussed Attention
Filter information at a late stage in the attention process, just before we respond
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Attenuation Model of Focussed Attention
Reduce the effect of some information so that it is not consciously processed
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Inattention Blindness
Failing to recognise an unexpected item in a visual scene
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Change Blindness
Failing to recognise changes to items in a visual scene
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Endogenous Control
Attention drawn by internal stimuli
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Exogenous Control
Attention drawn by external stimuli
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Cross Modal Effects
When one sense's attention is drawn, other senses are drawn
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Circadian Rhythm
Steady rhythmic state produced by an internal 24-hour biological clock
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Exogenous and Endogenous Zeitgebers
Stimuli that regulate circadian rhythm
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Low mood during the winter due to low levels of light
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Chemicals that alter state of consciousness by modifying brain chemicals
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Drug Tolerance
Repeated use of a drug will increase threshold for same effects because the brain counter-acts the drugs to try and maintain homeostasis
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Drug Addiction
Maladaptive pattern of drug use causing distress
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Drug Withdrawal
Process by which the brain continues to compensate for drug to balance homeostasis but it is no longer needed, causing distress
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Decrease nervous system activity
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Increase neural firing and arouse nervous system
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Relieve pain and change mood
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Conscious are thoughts we are aware of, Pre-conscious are thoughts outside current awareness but are easily accessed and unconscious are thoughts that can only be accessed under unordinary conditions


Freudian conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious

Card 3


Conscious are processes that are controlled with awareness, unconscious are processes that occur automatically


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Card 4


Attend to more than one activity at the same time because one or both of the activities are automatic


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Card 5


Impairment of recognition of visual objects however brain activity shows some unconscious recognition for familiar vs. unfamiliar stimuli


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