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6. Which of these is NOT a feature of the associate network model of memory storage?

  • Reflects the operations of the nervous system
  • Priming occurs, preparing for once concept by another
  • Network of associated ideas and concepts
  • Activation of one network leads to spreading activation

7. What is the difference between the phonological store and articulatory rehearsal system?

  • Store holds words and ARS holds other sounds
  • Store holds the initial sound input and the ARS repeats sounds
  • Store holds non-verbal sounds and ARS holds verbal sounds
  • Store repeats sounds from environment and ARS holds these sounds

8. Which of these facts about memory is not true?

  • Memories are accurate representations of our experiences
  • Memories are constructed
  • Schemas can distort memories
  • Active sifting occurs when forming and retrieving memories

9. Short-term memory temporarily holds information due to a limited capacity. What can increase capacity?

  • Priming
  • Rehearsal
  • Chunking
  • Acoustic storage

10. In what area of the brain is working memory processed?

  • Cortical areas across the four lobes
  • Sensory areas of cerebral cortex
  • Hippocampus and surrounding areas
  • Brain stem

11. Which of the following statements best describe retrograde amnesia?

  • Memory loss for events before a trauma occurs
  • Memory loss for events that occur after a trauma
  • Memory loss due to special conditions/abnormalities
  • Memory loss for events from the first few years of life

12. A cue is a stimulus that activates memory. Which of these features of retrieval relies on cues?

  • Autobiographical memories
  • Encoding specificity principle
  • Distinctive stimuli are better remembered
  • Flashbulb memories

13. Maintenance rehearsal involves rote repetition whereas elaborative retrieval rehearsal involves expanding on the meaning of the information. The method of loci is an example of elaborative rehearsal. What is the method of loci?

  • Producing associations between memories
  • Rehearsing information using verbal and visual coding
  • Associating mental images with physical locations
  • Reorganising information into meaningful units

14. Which of these is not a feature of sensory memory?

  • Encodes information in the same form it is received.
  • Briefly holds all sensory information from environment
  • Divides into two stores: Iconic and echoic
  • Allows you to pay attention to important information to transfer to short-term memory

15. Which of these are NOT an example of the misinformation effect?

  • Suggestion
  • Leading questions
  • Cultural influences
  • Source confusion

16. Which of these types of forgetting describes retroactive interference?

  • Information was not processed deeply during encoding
  • Physical memory traces fade with time and disuse
  • New information interferes with retrieval of previously learnt information
  • Old information interferes with retrieval of new information

17. Which of these features of the neural network model of storage is most different to the associative model?

  • Parallel distributed processing = simultaneous firing spreads activation
  • Nodes are information processing units
  • Each memory is represented by a unique pattern of nodes
  • Connections between nodes are strengthened by activation

18. Which of the following statements best describes memory?

  • Process of moving information between sensory, short-term and long-term memory
  • Process that allows recording, storing and retrieving of experiences and information
  • Process of remembering information or an event with accuracy
  • Process of storing information in the brain to inform our behaviour.

19. Long-term memory can explain the serial disposition effect. What is this?

  • That the most recent items in a series will be remembered better than the first items because the recent items replace the first items in long-term memory.
  • That the first items in a series will be remembered better than the most recent because the first items move into long-term memory.
  • That the first items and most recent items in a series will be best remembered
  • That items will only be remembered if moved into long-term memory

20. What is motivated forgetting?

  • Forgetting memories of past experience (retrospective)
  • Consciously or unconsciously wanting to forget an event
  • Inability to recall information but feeling like we are about to remember it
  • Forgetting memories that remind us to do something in the future (prospective)