MB 1 - Memory

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 01-05-18 12:37

1. Maintenance rehearsal involves rote repetition whereas elaborative retrieval rehearsal involves expanding on the meaning of the information. The method of loci is an example of elaborative rehearsal. What is the method of loci?

  • Reorganising information into meaningful units
  • Associating mental images with physical locations
  • Rehearsing information using verbal and visual coding
  • Producing associations between memories
1 of 20

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2. Which of these describes declarative memory?

  • Holds factual knowledge about our personal experiences
  • Holds factual knowledge that is consciously recalled
  • Holds factual knowledge that is unrelated to our experiences
  • Holds knowledge of motor and cognitive skills that are automatically recalled

3. What is the difference between implicit and explicit memories?

  • Implicit don't involve conscious awareness but explicit are recalled intentionally
  • Implicit are retired quickly and explicit are retrieved slowly
  • Implicit are memories about our own experiences and explicit are memories not related to personal experiences
  • Implicit involve conscious recall but explicit are unconsciously recalled due to external environmental stimuli

4. Which of the following statements best describes memory?

  • Process that allows recording, storing and retrieving of experiences and information
  • Process of remembering information or an event with accuracy
  • Process of moving information between sensory, short-term and long-term memory
  • Process of storing information in the brain to inform our behaviour.

5. Which of these is not a feature of sensory memory?

  • Encodes information in the same form it is received.
  • Briefly holds all sensory information from environment
  • Divides into two stores: Iconic and echoic
  • Allows you to pay attention to important information to transfer to short-term memory


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