MB 1 - Consciousness

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 01-05-18 16:51

1. Which of the following statements about sleep stages are true?

  • Stage 1 and 2 decrease in length throughout the night
  • Stage 3 and 4 increase in length throughout the night
  • Stage 3 and 4 are considered slow wave sleep
  • REM Periods decreases throughout the night
1 of 19

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2. Which of these statements do NOT describe divided attention?

  • Affected by endogenous control and exogenous.
  • No cross modal effects: Attention of one sense at a time
  • Response simultaneously to multiple demands
  • Rehearsal, difficulty and similarity affect ability to divide attention

3. Which of these is a feature specific to the enactive consciousness neural basis for consciousness?

  • Use skills to generate perceptions and conscious
  • Neurological states correlate with consciousness
  • Processing of information occurs across multiple pathways, producing conscious
  • Unified activity of systems in the brain creates consciousness

4. Which of these is a real theory of hypnosis?

  • Social-cognitive theory = Expectations of someone who is motivated to be hypnotised.
  • All of the above
  • Dissociation = Splitting consciousness
  • Hypnotised people experience different brain activation.

5. What is the difference between drug tolerance and withdrawal?

  • Tolerance is when repeated drug use occurs but no dependence, whereas withdrawal is a result of stopping drug use after dependence has occurred.
  • Tolerance is when repeated drug use increases the threshold for the same effects to occur whereas withdrawal is side effects of stopping drug use after repeated use.
  • Tolerance is caused by the brain unnecessarily trying to balance homeostasis whereas withdrawal is a result of the brain counteracting the effects of the drug to maintain homeostasis (necessary)
  • No difference, they mean the same thing.


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