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6. Which group did Cohen say had been the focus of moral panics?

  • teenagers
  • young afro caribbean males
  • muslims

7. How are children being encouraged to pester parents?

  • magazines
  • TV advertising and film merchandising
  • peer groups

8. What is meant by the stereotype of childhood "as cute"?

  • common stereotype found in TV commercials for baby products/toilet rolls etc
  • (using for definition purposes)

9. What is meant by the stereotype of the elderly "grumpy"?

  • elderly women as busy bodies and males as curmudgeons who spend their time talking about the past, moaning about the behaviour of young people and complaining about the modern world
  • (using for definition purposes)

10. What did Cohen believe scape goating leads young people to be labelled as?

  • dangerous
  • trouble makers
  • mischevious

11. What percentage of the elderly were represented in advertising according to Lee?

  • 12%
  • 15%
  • 42%
  • 20%

12. Who found that advertising agencies were wary of using models that they considered might alienate younger audiences?

  • Cohen
  • Smigin and Carrington
  • Lee

13. What is meant by the stereotype of childhood "as victims of horrendous crimes"?

  • some critics of the media suggested that while children who are victims of crime get more media attention than adults/children from EM backgrounds
  • (using for definition purposes)

14. What is meant by the stereotype of the elderly "as a burden"?

  • portrayed as an economic burden on society in terms of costs to the younger generation of pensions/healthcare/as a physical and social burden on younger members of their families who have to worry about and care for them
  • (using for definition purposes)

15. What is meant by the stereotype of childhood "as little devils"?

  • common stereotype especially found in drama or comedy
  • (using for definition purposes)

16. What is meant by the stereotype of childhood "as accessories"?

  • stories about celebrities may focus on how their children humanise them
  • (using for definition purposes)

17. What is meant by the stereotype of the elderly "enjoying a second childhood"?

  • sometimes films/TV show the more affluent elderly attempting to relive their adolescence and engaging in activities that they have always longed to do before they die
  • (using for definition purposes)

18. What is meant by the stereotype of the elderly "infantile"?

  • media portray them as children who need to be treated as such/as helpless and dependent on other younger members of the family/society
  • (using for definition purposes)

19. Who believed that children are also represented in TV commercials in ways that socialise them to become more active consumers?

  • Chandler
  • Lee
  • Cohen

20. What is meant by the stereotype of childhood "as modern"?

  • media may focus on how children "these days" know so much more at their age than previous generations of children
  • (using for definition purposes)