managing people \nd organisations

scientific management, economic need (motivation) fails to consider social interactions
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Mullins 2008
recognises the power of work groups, leadership, communication, motivation and job design
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drucker (managers)
to ensure that the technical tasks of an organisation are performed to convert its mission to reality
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drucker (managers 2)
managers are responsible for converting a organisations mission into reality
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schien 1988 formal organisation
centred around planning and structure for the achievement of a common goal through a division of labour and functions throughout the hierachy
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kotter, 1990 leaders and managers
leadership is part of the broader role of management
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mintzberg 1973 leaders and managers
leadership is one of the ten roles of management
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mccabe 2005 leadership
people who aspire to be leaders must build strong relationships to engage people through inspiration, ideas and energy
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3 styles of leadership
(top down) authortarian, democratic and laissez- faire (decentralised)
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5 bases of power for leaders (french and raven 1958)
reward power, coercive power, referent power, legitimate power, expert power
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gratton 2005 leadership and management
we need to build staff potential, together with their enthusiasm and commitment.
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gratton 4 expectations
1) dream collectively 2) balance the short term with the long term 3) build an organisation that values people 4) understand the reality of the organisation
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adairs principles of developing leaders
1) development of strategy 2) selection 3)training for leadership 4) career development 5) line managers as leadership developers 6) chief executive- leading from the front
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Groups Defintion (schien 1988)
interaction, psychologically aware of each other, understanding of the group, work towards the same goal and aims
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groups characteristics ( huczynski and Buchanan, 2001; Rollinson 2002)
minimum of 2 people, report to the same source, feel a part of the group, shared goals, group structure
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tuckmand group development:
1) FORMING- orientation, uncertainty, develop relations 2) STORMING- interpersonal conflict, power and influence 3) NORMING- ground rules and shared expectations 4) PERFORMING- collaboration, cohesiveness and commitment 5) adjuring; Disbanding
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learning (huczynski & Buchanan)
not just about recording an experience, reflect on experiences; perception of your performance vs reality or line managers perception experiences must be influential to change behaviour
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behaviuorist approcach (watsons 1913)
stimilus and response through reward and punishment
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pavalovian conditioning (1849-1936)
focus on the reflex response bond, dogs automatically salivate when hering footsteps that bring food, can be manipulated to happen on other sounds, learning was seens as conditioning
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social learning theory (bandura (1925))
learn through social observation, reinforcement is credible and recognisable , reflection and mapping of behaviour from childhood continues to inform us
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huczynski & Buchanan 2007 learning
familiarity in every day interaction at work, dress and apperance, social activities after work, attitudes to work , colleagues, managers, consumers
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kolb (1974)/ honey and mumford (1986)
learning is an experience- mentoring/ training session- experience/ reflect =/ application/ thought into action
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learning cycle
stage 1, having an experience, stage 2 reviewing the experience, stage 3 concluding from the experience, stage 4 planning the next step
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learning stages
stage 1- activist, stage 2- reflector, stage 3- theorists, stage 4- pragmatists
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personality definition brooks 2006
specific characteristics of individulas which may be open or hidden and which may determine either comonality or differences in behaviour in an orrganisation
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personality implications to consider
1) stability and permananence imply that it is possible to identify an individuals personality characteristics 2) that if the characteristics are identified they can be used to predict the persons behaviour
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personality is fixed and determined by hereditry and cannot be significantly influenced by environmental factors. This implies there are certain measurable personality types and therefore an ability to predict behaviour
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the big 5
agreeableness, openess to experience, extrovert or introvert, conscientious, emotionally stable
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personality whilst unique, can be moulded- personality and behaviour are influenced by environmental experience- this is therefore easy to test
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nature vs nurtutre debate
naturists believe characteristics are determined by genetic make up. Whilst nurturists believe characteristics develop through daily experiences interaction with the environments
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coaching grow
goal of coaching, reality check, option generation, wrapping up
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coaching decision tree
indentification of learning need- is coaching the right intervention?- is a person coachable- look for the right coach CIPD 2008
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mentoring armstrong 2008
the process of using specially selected and trained individulas to provide guidance, pragmatic advice and continuing support which will help the person or persons aloocted to them to learn and develop
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functions of a mentor
general help, a guide of knowledge and skills in a ew job, information on the way 'things are done around here' helpi in tackling projects, a parental figure where you can discuss goals and ambitions
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differences between mentor and coaches: mentor
on going relationship, informal meetings when needed, takes broader view, passes on experience, focus on career and personal deveklopment
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differences between mentor and coaches: coaching
generally short duration, structured meetings, focus on specific development area, not directly assosiated to individual, focus on a development issue
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kreitner 2000 culture
shared values, beliefs and language that create a common identiy and create a sense of community
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source of culture
philosophy of founder- selection criteria- top management and socialistion
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levels of organisational culture
artefacts, espoused values, basic underlying assumption
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cultural frameworks
power cultures, role cultures task culture person culture
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robbins 2006 culture conclusion
culture is the social glue that helps to hold the organisation together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should and should not say and do
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brooks 2008 culture conclusion
values beliefs assumptions norms and ways of interpreting meaning can be shared on numerous levels, frrom small sub culture which may thricve n parts of largr organisations
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HRM legal aspects
observances of employment legislation, formal contract of employment, codes of practice
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hrm behavioural aspects
recognition of individual, social responsibilities of management, psychological contract
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motivation model
needs or expectations- driving force (behaviour/action)- desired goal-fulfillment-feedback
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needs and expectations at work
economic rewards, intrinsic satisfaction, social relationships
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maslow hierachy of needs
(top) self actualisation (development of full potential)-esteem-affiliation-safety-physiological
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herzbergs motivation factors
achievement, recognitio, the work itself, responsibility, advancement
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herzberg hygiene factors
company policy/ procedures, supervision, salary, workig conditions
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Card 2


recognises the power of work groups, leadership, communication, motivation and job design


Mullins 2008

Card 3


to ensure that the technical tasks of an organisation are performed to convert its mission to reality


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Card 4


managers are responsible for converting a organisations mission into reality


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Card 5


centred around planning and structure for the achievement of a common goal through a division of labour and functions throughout the hierachy


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