Management information systems week 7

  • Created by: jmf00632
  • Created on: 09-01-20 09:17
Both slicing and dicing are examples of ......
filtering / sampling
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what does slicing mean
selecting a subset of rows
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example of slicing
say we have 100 students details but we only want to know 10 – we slice it down to find this info
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what does dicing mean
selecting a subset of columns
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example of dicing
Sampling - used ot just find a students home address for example
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what is rolling up
collapsing data into aggregated values
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an example of rolling up
tesco want to find out where their sales have come from - 1.6 billion of it has come from uk but the rest of it has come from international – but they want to find out where – so they can find out how much has come from surrey by using rolling up
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drilling down is..
expanded aggregated values
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excel based analysis - pivot table
• Automatically sort and count data and then display the summarised data in another table • A pivot table is like a cross-tabulation but it’s interactive!
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what if analysis - sensitivity analysis
this : is the study of the impact on other variables when one variable is changed
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an example of what if analysis - sensitivity analysis
. if you have products at different prices and you want to sell 200 products – you will be able to twll how much money you are going to make – it will complete in one row instead of individually – it will be able to tell you that if you sell 100 prod
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what is what if analysis - Goal-seeking analysis
find the inputs necessary to achieve a goal such as desired level of output. Wednesday
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what is information visualisation?
The use of [interactive] visual representations of [large quantities of data] to improve cognition
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what are the 6 types of visulisation?
textual data, parts and whole, changes over time, compare values, relationships, geographical data
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textual cloud example
word cloud
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parts and whole example
pie chart, tree map
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changes over time data example
line graph, stack graph
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compare values graph example
bar chart bubble chart
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relationship graph example
scatterplot, network graph
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georgraphical data is obviuosly......
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advantages of using word cloud
Easy to understand • They make an impact and can be shared easily • Word clouds can identify trends and patterns that would otherwise be unclear or difficult to see in a tabular format.
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disadvantages of using word cloud
• Emphasise frequency of words, not necessarily their importance • Not effective for exploring complex topics • If different variations of a word is used
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why would you use a treemap
to visualise the stock market
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why would use an easy map
to visualize the sales by states
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an easy map is good to use if...
you want to fibd out what countys or countrys are performing the best and worst – helpful if you want to communicate about location. the red aren’t doing well, the green are
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does slicing mean


selecting a subset of rows

Card 3


example of slicing


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does dicing mean


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


example of dicing


Preview of the front of card 5
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