Lloyd George and the 1909 Budget - Summary Questions

  • Created by: Madisonxo
  • Created on: 03-05-16 17:36
Which group of people had been trying to stop the Liberal Reforms in Parliament?
The Conservatives.
1 of 12
What was David Lloyd George's position in the government in 1909?
The Chancellor of Exchequer.
2 of 12
Lloyd George wanted to introduce a new age of what?
3 of 12
Which group of people thought that Lloyd George was dangerous?
The rich.
4 of 12
In which area did Lloyd George want to cut spending to help fund his Reforms?
5 of 12
Why were people against cuts in this area?
Fears of German invasion.
6 of 12
What did Lloyd George call his budget?
The People's Budget.
7 of 12
How did Lloyd George plan to pay for dreadnoughts and the Reforms?
Increase in state duties -> Supertax.
8 of 12
Lord Rosebury said the budget was pure what?
9 of 12
Why were there two General Elections in 1910?
1) Break the deadlock on the people's budget. 2) Decide the fate of the House of Lords.
10 of 12
Which two parties helped the Liberals to pass their budget?
Irish Nationalists and Labour.
11 of 12
The House of Lords lost their right to veto the budget. What is a veto?
Throwing something out.
12 of 12

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Card 2


What was David Lloyd George's position in the government in 1909?


The Chancellor of Exchequer.

Card 3


Lloyd George wanted to introduce a new age of what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which group of people thought that Lloyd George was dangerous?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In which area did Lloyd George want to cut spending to help fund his Reforms?


Preview of the front of card 5
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