Little Rock

From key topic 2:The Civil Rights Movement, 1945-62 of the edexcel exam course A Divided Union? The USA 1945-70


1. Why did Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock 9, arrive at the school on her own?

  • Because the other 8 students didn't like her
  • Due to a mix up
  • Because her parents forced her to go by herself
1 of 12

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2. The mob that Elizabeth Eckford was met by was terrifying, but she managed to reach the soldiers, thinking they would help her get into the school and safety. Instead they turned her back, forcing her to go back through the mob that was shouting what?

  • "Kill her!"
  • "Catch her!"
  • "Lynch her!"
  • "Stop her!"

3. School officials tried to ease integration at Little Rock High School in ... by choosing 9 out of the ... black students registered for admission to start in the first year.

  • School officials tried to ease integration at Little Rock High School in Georgia by choosing 9 out of the 90 black students registered for admission to start in the first year.
  • School officials tried to ease integration at Little Rock High School in Arkansas by choosing 9 out of the 75 black students registered for admission to start in the first year.
  • School officials tried to ease integration at Little Rock High School in Delaware by choosing 9 out of the 80 black students registered for admission to start in the first year.
  • School officials tried to ease integration at Little Rock High School in Florida by choosing 9 out of the 65 black students registered for admission to start in the first year.

4. President Eisenhower sent ... to escort and protect the Little Rock 9. After ... they were replaced by ... under the orders of ..., they stayed at the school for ...

  • President Eisenhower sent the police to escort and protect the Little Rock 9. After a day they were replaced by the Arkansas National Guard under the orders of the Governor of Arkansas, they stayed at the school for 3 weeks.
  • President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort and protect the Little Rock 9. After a month they were replaced by National Guardsmen under the orders of the president, they stayed at the school for a year.
  • President Eisenhower sent National Guardsmen to escort and protect the Little Rock 9. After 2 months they were replaced by federal troops under the orders of the Headteacher, they stayed at the school for 10 months.
  • President Eisenhower sent soldiers to escort and protect the Little Rock 9. After 6 months they were replaced by the police under the orders of the local sheriff, they stayed at the school for a further 6 months.

5. The terrifying mob that the Little Rock 9 were met by numbered...

  • More than 1000
  • More than 2000
  • More than 500
  • More than 300


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