Life cycle of a star

1. Stars initially form from clouds of...
dust and gas
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The force of gravity makes the gas and dust...
spiral together to form a PROSTAR
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2. Gravitational energy is converted into...
heat energy, so the temperature rises
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When the temperature gets high enough...
hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei
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This gives out huge amounts of...
heat and light
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A STAR is created and also, smaller masses of gas and dust may pull together to make...
planets to orbit the star
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3. The star enters a long stable period, where the heat creted by the nuclear fusion provides...
an outward pressure to balance the force of gravity pulling everything inwards
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The star maintains its energy output for millions of years due to the...
massive amounts of hydrogen it consumes
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In this stable period, it is called a...
MAIN SEQUENCE STAR and it lasts several billions of years
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4. Eventually the hydrogen...
begins to run out
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Heavier elements like iron are made by...
nuclear fusion of hydrogen
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The star then swells into a RED GIANT,if it is a smaller star, or a...
RED SUPER GIANT, if it is bigger.
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It becomes red because...
the surface cools
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5. For RG: A small to medium star like the sun then becomes...
unstable and ejects its outer layer of dust and gas as a PLANETARY NEBULA
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6. For RG: This leaves behind a hot solid core called a...
WHITE DWARF, which cools down to a BLACK DWARF and eventually diasappears
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7. For RSG: Big stars start to glow brightly again and undergo...
more fusion and expand and contract several times
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For RSG: This forms elements as heavy as iron in...
various nuclear reactions
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For RSG: Eventually they explode in a...
SUPERNOVA, forming elements heavier than iron and ejecting them into te universe to form new plantes and stars
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8. For RSG: The exploding supernova throws the outer layers into space, leaving a...
very dense core called a NEUTRON STAR.
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For RSG: If the star is big enough, it will form a...
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


spiral together to form a PROSTAR


The force of gravity makes the gas and dust...

Card 3


heat energy, so the temperature rises


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


heat and light


Preview of the back of card 5
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