Liberal Thinkers

  • Created by: AshyBoy
  • Created on: 01-08-18 17:23
JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)
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What was his views on the government?
He believed in a limited government
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What rights did he believe should be protected?
The rights to 'liberty, life and property'
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What did he believe about human nature?
He believed that humans are not naturally violent/chaotic (unlike Hobbes). However the state is needed to judge disputes
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What is Mechanistic Theory?
That the state is not organic and that it is an artificial creation devised by man to protect freedom.
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What is Social Contract Theory?
That the governement
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What is Social Contract Theory?
That the government is based on a contract between the people and the state.The people agree to give up some of their freedoms in return for the protection of law. However, if the government abuses it's power then the citizens have the right to rebel
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What is the Separation of Powers and what is it's function?
It separates the governments powers into sections and it functions to ensure that no one person or persons is able to inflict tyranny over the people.
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What book did she write and what was its message?
"A Vindication of the Rights of Women" (1792). In order to be free, women should enjoy 'full civil liberties' and be allowed to have a career, an education and own property. (Women are rational and independent beings 'capable of reason')
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JOHN STUART MILL (1806-1873)
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What is the Harm Principal?
Individuals should be free to do anything except harm to other individuals. Therefore it is acceptable to harm oneself (but not others, e.g. smoking)
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What did he believe about tolerance?
He believed you should tolerate other lifestyles and religions. Just because a belief is popular does not make it correct. There is no one right way to live.
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In the book "On Liberty" (1859) what does Mill argue?
He argues for free speech to create a marketplace of ideas and arguments (The internet?)
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What is Utilitarianism?
Humans will and must pursue happiness and pleasure. And there should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number".
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What was his opinions on Universal Suffrage?
Universal Suffrage would lead to the tyranny of the majority - hence franchise should be based on educational qualifications. However he was pro-votes for women.
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In later years what did he argue for?
He argued for a more active state to tackle social problems (rather than blame the working classes.)
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JOHN RAWLS (1921-2002)
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What did he write and what did he argue for in it?
"A Theory of Justice" (1971) - He argued that society must be just and guarantee each citizen a life work living. The aim of government should be to achieve liberty for all, especially the poorest.
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What did he believe about morality?
He believed that people should not be told how to live in terms of morality.
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What is the Veil of Ignorance?
It is a hypothetical scenario created by Rawls. If we dont know our gender, ethnicity, class or personality, then we would opt for a much fairer system, just in case we ended up at the bottom. We would never opt for a large class gap.
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BETTY FRIEDAN (1921-2006
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What book did she write and what did she argue in it?
"The Feminine Mystique" (1963) - Women are as capable as men and oppressive laws and social views must be overturned.
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What did she believe about the equal opportunity of women?
Women are held back from their potential because of the lack of jobs that are viewed as acceptable for women. Many women are also trapped in domestic life.
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However what was she an admant defender of?
Womens choice of lifestyle (key Liberal trait). In "The Second Stage" she criticised radical feminists for alienating those women who were satisfied with a domestic , family based life.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was his views on the government?


He believed in a limited government

Card 3


What rights did he believe should be protected?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did he believe about human nature?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Mechanistic Theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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