Liberal Reform Quiz

The British Depth Study- Liberal Reforms


1. What reform was brought out in 1912?

  • School Clinics- These clinics were set up to treat children who had been diagnoses as having an illness
  • The Children's Act- it made it illegal to neglect or abuse children. Children under 14 were banned from pubs. Illegal to sell tobacco to children under 16.
  • Free School Meals- provides a free school meal for children of a poor family.
  • School Medical Inspections- Doctors and nurses went into school to provide a free compulsory medical check
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2. What did Rowntree do?

  • Published his work on the life of the poor. He said that peopled needed 21s per week to live. He said people lived below the poverty line. People could help being poor, they were not paid enough to live on.Large families were the main cause in York
  • Published a book called Life and Labour of the People in London. He said 30% lived below the poverty line
  • He wrote a number of studies. He carried out interviews with poor people, doctors, teachers and priests. He also collected data on the way the poor people lived. He said that people living in poverty were not responsible for their conditions
  • He published his work on the life of the poor. He carried out interviews with poor people. Collected huge amounts of data on the way poor people lived in London.

3. Why did rich people oppose the reforms?

  • They wanted more reforms and said the Liberal Reforms were too limited
  • they had to pay the taxes to fund the reforms
  • They disliked being told how to bring up their children and hated having to pay National Insurance Contributions
  • they said it was wrong to use taxes to help the poor- benefits would make them lazy and unwilling to work

4. Why did the working class oppose the reforms?

  • They disliked being told how to bring up their children and hated having to pay National Insurance Contributions
  • they said it was wrong to use taxes to help the poor- benefits would make them lazy and unwilling to work
  • They wanted more reforms and said the Liberal Reforms were too limited
  • they had to pay the taxes to fund the reforms

5. Why were people poor in the late 19th Century?

  • Death, Illness, Unemployment, Disability and Large Families
  • Disability, rich people only employed richer people, people did not seek help
  • Large Families, Too much employment, Old Age, Death
  • Divorce, Illness, Disability, Old Age and Death


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