Lesson 5.2- Influences on Parliamentary Law Making

What is the Law Commission?
An independant, full time, permanent law reform body.
1 of 10
According to the Law Commission Act 1965, what is the role of the Law Commission?
To "keep under review all of the law"
2 of 10
What percentage of Law Commission Proposals have been enacted and become law?
3 of 10
What is codification?
Bringing together all of the law, on a particular topic into a single Act
4 of 10
What is Consolidation?
Bringing together all of the Acts of Parliament on a particular area of the law into one single Act of Parliament
5 of 10
What is an example of Consolidation?
Powers of Criminal Courts Act 2000
6 of 10
What is Repeal?
Remove the laws
7 of 10
What is an example of Repeal?
Law Reform Act 1996 (YAAD Rule)
8 of 10
What is the New Law?
Proposing new laws
9 of 10
What is an example of New Law?
Computer Misuse Act 1990
10 of 10

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Card 2


According to the Law Commission Act 1965, what is the role of the Law Commission?


To "keep under review all of the law"

Card 3


What percentage of Law Commission Proposals have been enacted and become law?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is codification?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Consolidation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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