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6. What did Thatcher say on the deterrent effect?

  • 'I would like to be tougher on public spending. But I have to do what I think will get through parliament'
  • 'MPs ought to do as they are told'

7. What are Polsby's distinctions in reference to the legislature?

  • 'arena' and 'transformative'
  • 'active' and 'passive'

8. Which of the following is not, according to Thomas, a factor in the decline in the ability of the legislature to control the exectutive?

  • growth of big government
  • public disapproval of the legislature
  • emergence of disciplined political parties
  • lack of 'elective dictatorship'
  • rise of media as a political actor

9. What are the main advantages of open and closed lists respectively?

  • better quality MPs vs better party unity
  • freer choice vs better govt

10. Who suggests that there is clear evidence showing the link between the increase in party cohesion in voting and an increase in the number of ministerial roles?

  • Mair
  • Rose

11. What did Hamilton say the upper chamber afforded protection against?

  • 'an excess of law-making'
  • 'corruption and bribery'

12. Which president said 'Congress in session is Congress on public exhibition, whilst Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work'?

  • Wilson
  • Hoover

13. Who said that the upper chamber forms a 'deliberative assembly of the nation' rather than a 'mere congress of ambassadors'?

  • Burke
  • Madison

14. Nice quote about defying the party line?

  • 'the battlefields of European politics are littered with the corpses of those who have defied the party line'
  • 'tend to vote for parties rather than people as they feel they are electing a government'

15. What are the two explanations for party unity?

  • natural cohension of preferences and party discipline
  • strong leadership and weak MPs

16. How do closed lists manufacture unity?

  • party leaders control make-up of their party
  • party leaders have more power to discipline

17. Who argues that committees are just extensions of party power?

  • Strom
  • Linz

18. What does Cran note about political parties?

  • they have 'always tended to be coalitions'
  • they have all become catch-all

19. Who says that changes to legislation made by backbenchers are 'marginal and cosmetic'?

  • Norton
  • Linz

20. What % of private members bills passed in the commons between 2005 and 2010?

  • 23%
  • 15%