Legal Method - The Purposive Approach

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 31-10-20 02:20
Purposive Approach is more modern style of interpreting statutes and largely overtaken mischief rule in relevance.
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What is the Purposive Approach
Judges look at reasons why statute was passed and its purpose, even if it means distorting ordinary meaning of words.
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Influence of EU
Purposive Approach widely used in European Law: drafted with expectation judges consider policy behind words. Mischief rule and purposive approach used interchangeably.
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European Communities Act 1972
States while UK remains subject to EU rules, court must adopt purposive approach in construing EU related legislation and in particular UK provisions implement EU law.
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Differences between drafting of EU legislation and English statutes.
EU follows civil law tradition (favours simplicity of drafting and high degree of abstraction rather than exhaustive approach adopted in UK).
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Card 2


What is the Purposive Approach


Judges look at reasons why statute was passed and its purpose, even if it means distorting ordinary meaning of words.

Card 3


Influence of EU


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Card 4


European Communities Act 1972


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Card 5


Differences between drafting of EU legislation and English statutes.


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