Learning key terms

  • Created by: jaaaz_v
  • Created on: 02-06-15 17:33
A relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
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Classical conditioning
The theory of learning that claims that we learn through association
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Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
A stimulus that produces a reflex response (like the food used on Pavlovs dog)
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Unconditioned response
The reflex response to an unconditioned stimulus (the dog salivating when first presented with the food)
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Conditioned stimulus
A new stimulus that's presented with the unconditioned stimulus (like how the bell was introduced in the experiment)
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Conditioned response
A response that is learnt and occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented (the dog salivating to the bell)
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When the conditioned response no longer occurs
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Spontaneous recovery
Happens after extinction. When the conditioned response that had disappeared occurs again
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The conditioned response is shown when a similar stimulus to the original conditioned stimulus is presented (Little Albert was scared of Santa)
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Operant conditioning
Learning due to the consequences of our behavior, through positive or negative reinforcement
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A consequence of our behavior that encourages or strengthens behavior (eg. rewards)
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Positive Reinforcement
A reward or pleasant consequence that increases the likelihood of certain behavior being repeated
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Negative reinforcement
When an unpleasant experience is removed after a behavior or action has been made. This increases the likelihood of the behavior or action being repeated
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A stimulus that weakens behavior because its unpleasant and we try to avoid it
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The law of effect
Behaviors that are followed by rewards are usually repeated; those that are punished are not usually repeated
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Behavior shaping
Changing behavior in small steps
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A persistent and irrational fear of an object, activity, or situation. The typical symptoms are intense feelings of fear and anxiety to avoid the object, activity or situation.
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A treatment for phobias that involves the immediate exposure of the person to the thing they fear
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Systematic desensitization
A treatment of phobias where the person is taught to relax and is then gradually exposed to the thing they fear.
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Hierarchy of fears
A series of feared events ranked from least frightening to most frightening
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Aversion therapy
A treatment for addictions. It makes the addict have an extremely negative reaction to the addictive substance.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The theory of learning that claims that we learn through association


Classical conditioning

Card 3


A stimulus that produces a reflex response (like the food used on Pavlovs dog)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The reflex response to an unconditioned stimulus (the dog salivating when first presented with the food)


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Card 5


A new stimulus that's presented with the unconditioned stimulus (like how the bell was introduced in the experiment)


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