League of Nations

  • Created by: Hope
  • Created on: 29-12-13 17:44
Main aims of the League
S- Stop War. I- Improve peoples lives and working conditions, D- Disarmament of all countries. E- Enforce the treaty of versailles
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4 examples of Sucesses of the L of N
Disease, Upper Silesia, Refugees and Aaland Island
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What two countries were involved in the Aaland crisis
Finland and Sweden
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How did the league resolve the Aaland Crisis
Investigated and gave it to Finland
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Name 4 examples of failures of the L of N
Disarmament, Vilna, The Ruhr and Corfu
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What countries were involved in the Upper Silesia crisis?
Poland and Germany
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How did the L of N resolve the Upper Silesia crisis?
Organised a plebisite- Rural went to Poland industrial went to Germany
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What countries were involved in the occupation of the Ruhr
Germany, France and Belgium
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Explain the Occupation of the Ruhr
Germany wasnt paying their reperations and so Belgium and Germany invaded the Ruhr against the other league members opinions
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What countries were involved in Vilna
Lithuania and Poland
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Why did the League do nothing about the situation in Vilna
France didnt want to get on the wrong side of Poland and Britian didnt want to fight alone
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Biggest difficulty Depression made for the League
Everyone became very selfish
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Why did the league fail in Manchuria
They took too long to make their decisions therefore couldnt stop Japan
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Why did the league fail in Abyssinia
They took too long, didnt want to risk their army's, didnt want to get onto the wrong side of moussolini
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How did the situation in Abyssinia start?
Mussollini threatened to invade the Aaland Islands and then the emporer of Abyssinia appealed to the league
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What did the league do to sort out the problem in Abyssinia?
They did nothing at first but then called for sanctions on him but they werent very high
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How did the situation in Manchuria start?
Japan was becoming more successful and wanted to invade China, and so they invaded Manchuria and then began to move onto the rest of china
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What did the league do to sort out the problem in Manchuria?
They investigated the situation which took over a year and then sanctions were imposed on Japan
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What is 'Appeasement'?
When you try and get onto the good side of someone in order to stop war ect..
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Explain the Sudetendland Crisis
Nazi's in czechoslovakia accused the government of treating them wrong, Hitler wanted to invade in order to protect them. War was likely and France had a agreement with france that they would protect czechoslovakia.
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How was Chamerlian involved in the Sudetenland Crisis?
He went to Hitler and asked to arrange a vote but Hitler proposed war and so Chamnberlain held a confernce with Germany, France and Italy where the Sudetenland was given to Germany
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Why did Britian adopt a policy of Appeasement?
They didnt want another war, Another war would devestate britian, they werent ready for war and feared communism more than nazi-ism
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What was the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Germany wanted to invade Poland and the USSR made a pact with Germany that they would split Poland between them
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What happened as a result of the Nazi Soviet Pact?
Britian and France had an alliance with Poland so when Germany invaded Poland in 1939 WW2 started
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What were the initial problems with the League of Nations?
No army, absence of amerca and britian + france didnt agree
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What were the border disputes in the 1920's?
Poland and Lithuania, Upper silesia, corfu and bulgaria
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Why did the league fail?
No army, seen as wear by everyone, missing powers and wall street crash
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


4 examples of Sucesses of the L of N


Disease, Upper Silesia, Refugees and Aaland Island

Card 3


What two countries were involved in the Aaland crisis


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did the league resolve the Aaland Crisis


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 4 examples of failures of the L of N


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Miss E


Really good set of flash cards to test yourself and get others to test you on the League of Nations. Remember you will need to talk confidently about the League's successes and failures in the exam.

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