Language Acquisition Theorists Quiz


1. What does Aitchison define 'network building' as in her 'Labeling, Packaging and Network Building' theory?

  • When a child makes connections between words (opposites and synonyms)
  • When a child links a sound to an object
  • When a child begins to understand the range of meaning that a word might have
  • When a child forms a strong bond with their primary caregiver
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2. What is Vygotsky's 'Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD' theory?

  • Language isn't taught and is a natural development
  • A child needs caregivers to help them interact
  • A child speaks aloud to themself to help them to practice their language
  • Children begin to understand the concept of object permanence at a young age

3. What is Lenneberg's 'Critical Age Hypothesis' Theory?

  • Without linguistic practice before the ages of 5-6 years, language acquisition is severely limited
  • If a child is learning a second language, it is critical that they are exposed to it before the ages of 5-6 years in order for them to learn the language more easily.
  • When a child is in the womb, the child must be exposed to some form of language in order for them to develop the Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
  • At the ages of 5-6 years, it is critical that they understand the difference between spoken and written language

4. What are Rescorla's two types of overextension?

  • Categorical and analogical
  • Packaged and singular
  • Heurological and telegraphical
  • Labelled and coordinated

5. What is Piaget's 'Cognitive Approach' theory?

  • A child learns language through practicing their speech alone
  • A child needs to develop certain mental abilities before they can acquire particular aspects of language
  • A child learns language through constant practice with their caregiver
  • If a child mispronounces a word, their caregiver will continue to repeat the word until the child pronounces it correctly


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