language acquisition theories

  • Created by: niamhypx
  • Created on: 03-03-19 13:46
berko and brown - fis phenomenon
child refers 2 toy fish as "FIS" yet when asked by an adult "is this your FIS?" the child objects until asked "is this your FISH?" 2 which the child agrees, this is bc a child's perceptual discriminability is greater than their phonological ability.
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cruttenden - prosodic understanding study
adults & children listened to snippets of sports results (tottenham 3 arsenal …) & were asked to predict scores, the adults were the only ones able to accurately predict the results from the given whereas the children could not.
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nelson - the four first word categories
identified 4 categories for children's 1st words: NAMING, ACTIONS & EVENTS, DESCRIBING/MODIFYING & lastly PERSONAL/SOCIAL.
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aitchison - lexical and semantic development
3 processes of lexical and semantic development: LABELLING - linking sound 2 object, PACKAGING - understanding that a word has more than one meaning & NETWORK BUILDING - making connections between words.
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skinner - reinforcement theory
parents support their children by REINFORCING things that are correct: when a child uses the correct language they will receive approval, encouragement or a reward motivating them to repeat this behaviour leading to an enhancement of lang development
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bee - what counts as a word?
"any word is any sound or set of sounds that is used consistently to the same thing, action or quality.".
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dore - language functions
LABELLING - naming, REPEATING - reproducing adult speech, ANSWERING - responding, REQUESTING ACTION - asking 4 something 2 be done for them, CALLING - gaining attention, GREETING - addressing, PROTESTING - objecting 2 requests & PRACTISING - no adult
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locke - first 50 words
"the first 50 words are learnt by brute force and they take a long time to acquire and therefore require adult encouragement and help.".
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smith - hypothesis
once acquisition has sped up a child goes on a naming spurt but with this comes overextension’s separated into 2 types - semantic features (based on the combined features that give a word meaning) & functional similarities (the similarities of uses).
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decasper and spence - babies and dummies study
found that babies sucked on dummies more when hearing a story their mother had read aloud during the last 6 months of pregnancy.
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fitzpatrick - babies and heart rate study
found that the rate of a babies heart rate slowed when hearing their mothers voice.
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mehler et al - french babies
4 day old french babies increased the rate in which they sucked on their dummies when hearing french as opposed to hearing english or italian thus proving they are already aware of french sounds.
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pittitto and holowka - preliminary speech
found that the most babbling came from the right side of the mouth that is controlled by the left side of the brain (the side responsible for speech) which suggests that babbling is a form of preliminary speech.
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chomsky - language acquisition device
said that children possess an innate awareness of lang & the underlying structure that coincides with it, innateness explains their ability 2 develop lang rapidly; from birth their brains R ready 2 analyse & understand the lang system of society.
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lennenburg - critique of LAD
through research it was found that animals have the same innate ability that chomsky suggest, the animals brains adapt to the surroundings and this process is the same for humans and language.
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bruner - language acquisition support system
states that social interaction is fundamental specifically with parents who's utterances are ritualised and children can predict the said... parents = LASS
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vygotsky - stages
social stage (0-3): used 2 express simple thoughts, feelings & control the behaviour of others egocentric stage (3-7): used 2 direct & control child’s own behaviour inner stage (7+): language & thoughts fuse = tool used 2 shape & direct thinking
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vygotsky - stages pt2
these stages are then followed by the pre-intellectual stage in which lang takes the form of shared dialogue between adult & child whose utterances are now the most complete & accurate they have ever & will ever be until they are adults.
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piaget - cognitive development
childrens thoughts & thought processes develop in leaps with each developmental stage explaining the vast increase of linguistic capabilities and developments the stages go as follows: sensorimotor (0-2) -> pre operational (2-7) -> concrete operation
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halliday - 7 functions of language development
instrumental - child uses language 2 express needs & get what they want, regulatory - lang used 2 tell others what 2 do children become aware that lang is a useful tool, interactional - lang used 2 communicate with other people & form relationships
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halliday - 7 functions of language development pt 2
personal - child uses lang 2 express feelings & opinions, heuristic - lang is used 2 gain info in this stage a child will question everything & they seek answers about the world around them
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halliday - 7 functions of language development pt 3
imaginative - lang used 2 tell stories & 2 create imaginary situations informative - child uses language 2 talk about brand new things
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crystal - acquisition stages
stage 1) children say things for 3 main purposes: 2 get what they want, gain attention or 2 draw attention stage 2) children ask questions
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crystal - acquisition stages pt 2
stage 3) ask a multitude of questions stage 4) use increasingly complex sentences 2 explain, 2 gain explanations or 2 make requests stage 5) use lang 4 above
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nelson - framework for development
believes a child lives in a world that is private and inaccessible for others
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bellugi - william's syndrom langauge abilities
aimed to understand the ties between neural and cognitive functions with williams syndrome being a perfect example of where genetic predisposition interacts with the environment and sculpts the brain in unique ways
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garvey - play theory
when children adopt roles and or act out storylines it subtly encourages their language development; they build relationships with people and objects and by doing so prepares them for later life as this is very similar to the adult world.
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macnamara - LAD critique
believed instead of having a LAD children have the innate ability to read meaning into social situations, they firstly learn what happens socially and then they learn what sound are associated with what social situations = social meaning B4 language.
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vygotsky - zone of proximal development
this theory states that what a child can independently learn & achieve is pushed by the more knowledgable other whose aim through guidance is 2 move a child from their current independent zone to a more advanced one
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Card 2


adults & children listened to snippets of sports results (tottenham 3 arsenal …) & were asked to predict scores, the adults were the only ones able to accurately predict the results from the given whereas the children could not.


cruttenden - prosodic understanding study

Card 3


identified 4 categories for children's 1st words: NAMING, ACTIONS & EVENTS, DESCRIBING/MODIFYING & lastly PERSONAL/SOCIAL.


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Card 4


3 processes of lexical and semantic development: LABELLING - linking sound 2 object, PACKAGING - understanding that a word has more than one meaning & NETWORK BUILDING - making connections between words.


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Card 5


parents support their children by REINFORCING things that are correct: when a child uses the correct language they will receive approval, encouragement or a reward motivating them to repeat this behaviour leading to an enhancement of lang development


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