
  • Created by: rtupiri
  • Created on: 15-05-16 23:03
A process that results in the creation of two opposite poles. E.g pro school and anti school
1 of 9
Gender domains
tasks or activities that boys and girls see as male or female territory
2 of 9
ideology state apparatus
Agencies that help to justify the power and dominance of a social group
3 of 9
Vocational education
Training that teaches specific skills for a set job
4 of 9
Institutional racism
Racism justified in a day to day routine of an organisation
5 of 9
Education triage
When pupils are put in to groups the hopelessness, those with potential and those that will succeed no matter what according to marketisation
6 of 9
the ruling classes way of getting the working class to accept the norms and values
7 of 9
Gender quake
women's attitudes towards work and their experience in working changing over the course of 3 generations
8 of 9
Gender identity
How people see you in terms of whether you are a female or male
9 of 9

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Card 2


tasks or activities that boys and girls see as male or female territory


Gender domains

Card 3


Agencies that help to justify the power and dominance of a social group


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Card 4


Training that teaches specific skills for a set job


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Card 5


Racism justified in a day to day routine of an organisation


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