key words

  • Created by: katie
  • Created on: 05-01-15 15:05
Defence mechanisms
Ways of dealing with feelings unconciously->repression...
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This stops disturbing or threatening tought from becoming concious
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This is when you block events from your conciousness
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When a person puts their bad thoughts and feelings onto another person in their conciousness
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Taking out a feeling or a though on a substitution-> punching a wall not a person
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A step backwards psycologically, revertng to old habits to deal with new stress
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Displacement but in a socially acceptable environment for example sports
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Unconcious mind
This is the part of your emotion which is internal not thought about and processed
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1. Id, 2.Ego, 3.Super ego
1.Irrational personality, 2.Rational personality, 3.Concious right/wrong
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Behaviour which is assosiated with specific schemes
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cognative framwork to help us interpret and organise information
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Hypothesis types
Non directional-there will be a change, Directional-there will be a changeup/down, Null-there will be no change
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Pysicological psycologist
Bodily processes-> hormones = aggresion
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Social psycologists
Social interactions-> others behavior = aggresion
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Learning theory
Learned behaviour from others
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Psychoanalytical theory
Freud- hidden unconcious cause to the behaviour
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Socail learning theory
Behaviours are learnt from other people->observation, imitation modeling
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Cognitive/ informational prcessing theory
Looks at how we process information and stimuli we are presented wit, the brain is looked at like a computer
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Evolutionary theory
Evolution sculpted our brains and thoughts as well as our bodies, there are many mechanisms which make up our behavior which are purely based on the survival instincts we have inheritted
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Unconditioned stimulus
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Unconditioned respsponse
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Nuetral stimulus, Conditioned stimulus
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Conditioned response
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Classical conditioning
Pavlov's dogs-> a UCS is linked to a NS making a CS with a CR which matches the origional UCR
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Operant conditioning version 1
Instremental learning, learned through trial and error Edward Thorndike(cat escapeologist)
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Operant conditioning version 2
Positive effect increases chance of behanviour, negative effect decreases chance of behaviour B.F. Skinner(rats food and electrocution)
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Positive reinforcement
Behaviour prompts reward->increase chance of the behaviour being repeated
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Negative reinforcement
Behaviour prompts the removal of a bad stimuli->increase chance of the behaviour being repeated
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Positive punishment
Behaviour prompts punishment->chance of behaviour decreases
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Negative punishment
Bevhaviour prompts the removal of a reward->chance of behaviour decreases
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When a doctor or a psyciatrist admits a patient as they are thought to be a risk to themselves or others, no consent is needed
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Deveation from social normality
When people behave in a way which is not expected or socially excepltable. Severity based ont he level of disconfort it causes others
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Failure to function
When a person can no longer live a normal life due to thier mental health issues, assessed on a GAF scale(global assesment of functioning)-no problems to persistent danger of harming themselves or others
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Deviation for ideal mental health- this is when you are ot perfect mentally, its very rare to not have DIMH in some form or another; self esteem, personal growth, intergration, independance, reality, mastry
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Anti-social personality disorder- failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful bahaviour, repeatedly performing acts which could get you aressted
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Biological approach
Looks at the physical causes of abnormality- biochemistry and brain damage
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Gene environment interaction
You are genetically suseptable but a environmental trigger is needed to cause the development of a condition
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Low seretonin
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High dopamine
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Low dopamine
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Independant groups
Each group only experiences one condition
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Repeated meausres
One group of participants which experiences every condition
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Matched pairs design
There are groups of participants which are matched based on different characteristics
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Demand charateristics
Participants do what they think is expected/wanted of them
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Behavioural approach
Abnormal behaviour is the consequence of abnormal learning
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Albert Ellis ABC
Activating event->Beliefs(irrational thoughts)->Consequences(Emotions and behaviours)
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Beck's triad of negative thinking
Negative view of self -> Negative view of the world -> Negative view of the future
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Biological treatments
ECT, TMS(trans magnetic stimulation), Drugs -> anti-depressants, anti-anxiety and anti-psycotic
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Lab experiment
In controlled conditions, all variable are controlled, participants are aware
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Field experiment
The IV is directly maniulated by the experimenter, participants are unaware
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Natural experiment
They look at a specific variable and the effect it is having, no manipulation from the experimenter
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Natural observation
Behaviour is oberved but not interpreted
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Behavioural therapy->systematic desensatisation
Two versions:In vitro and In vivo, three steps->1.Functional analysis(heirarchy of fears) 2.Relaxation trainning 3.Graduated exposure
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Psycodynamic approach
Freud: psychoanalysis, working through past problems which need resolved from the past, works best for:Young, Attreactive, Verbal, Intelligant and Succesful
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Normative social influence
Conforming to seem socialy acceptable
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Informational social influence
Conforming because they are uncertain of the correct way to behave/ answer
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Social impact theory
Conformity varries based on: Strength, Knowledge and status and Immediacy
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Majority influence
The few are convinced by the many as they are strong: social impact theory
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Minority influence
Snowball effect, the minority can have an effect on the majority over time
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Conforming to the majority view in public, but remaining the same in private
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Conforming to the behaviour expected of you as a certain role in society may not change privately
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Conforms publicly and privately
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Authoratarian personality
Submissive to authority figures, takes out anger on others, rated on the F-scale(Faisum scale)
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Locus of control
Internal or external locus of control, internal=I am in control, external=I am not in control
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Acute stress response Sympathomedullary pathway
Stressor->Hypothalamus->Sympathetic branch of ANS(adreanaline glands)->Adrenaline medulla->Adrenaline and noradrenaline
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Chronic stress response Pituitary adrenaline system
Stressor->Hypothalamus->CRH->Pituitary gland->ACTH->Adrenal cortex->Cortisol
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Stress response
Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
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Personality type A
Competative, time urgent and hostile/aggresive
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Personality type B
Relaxed, express emotion and only take on one task at a time
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Oppertunistic sampling
Whoever is nearest
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Stratisfied sampling
Sample represents the population (30% of population are pentioners so 30% of sample are)
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Voluntary sampling
whoever volunteers
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Random sampling
Names out of a hat
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Problem focused coping
Dealing with the problem trying to find a solution
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Emotion focused coping
Targets the emotional side of the stressor
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Commitment, Control, Challenge
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


This stops disturbing or threatening tought from becoming concious



Card 3


This is when you block events from your conciousness


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Card 4


When a person puts their bad thoughts and feelings onto another person in their conciousness


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Card 5


Taking out a feeling or a though on a substitution-> punching a wall not a person


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