Key Definitions

  • Created by: Elizabeth
  • Created on: 26-03-13 17:28
More than one dimensional. It means different things to different people. It is a posiive concept that suggests well-being. It is influenced by lifestyle factors.
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Diagnostic label given to signs and symptoms. It is a condition or process which can effect the functioning of the body ohysically or mentally. It a state of being, which is the opposite of health. It is long term. It can be passed on or not passed.
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Ill Health
It is when you are unable to perform normally and without pain. It can be physical or mental. It is the presence of something negative or the absence of something positive. It is the breakdown of general health and well-being.
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Stress "The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demands places on them."
Response that occurs when people feel tension. It is the disturbance of physical and mental well-being. It can be a short term physical response or a long term response resulting in physical symptoms. Can be positive and exhilarating
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Mental illness
Behaviour which is regarded as abnormal and inexplicable. It can be long or short term. Characterised by behaviour which is abnormal. It is chemical change in the brain which produces abnormal often undesired behaviour
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Mental Health
Being able to cope and being able to take on responsibility. Being able to sucessfully function mentally and being able to cope with adversity. Being able to organise thoughts and feelings in a coherent pattern, clearly and act accordingly
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Card 2


Diagnostic label given to signs and symptoms. It is a condition or process which can effect the functioning of the body ohysically or mentally. It a state of being, which is the opposite of health. It is long term. It can be passed on or not passed.



Card 3


It is when you are unable to perform normally and without pain. It can be physical or mental. It is the presence of something negative or the absence of something positive. It is the breakdown of general health and well-being.


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Card 4


Response that occurs when people feel tension. It is the disturbance of physical and mental well-being. It can be a short term physical response or a long term response resulting in physical symptoms. Can be positive and exhilarating


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Card 5


Behaviour which is regarded as abnormal and inexplicable. It can be long or short term. Characterised by behaviour which is abnormal. It is chemical change in the brain which produces abnormal often undesired behaviour


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