Key features of emotional development

  • Created by: jessgrace
  • Created on: 23-11-17 09:39
Infancy (0-2): Attachment - What is attachment?
Attachment describes the strong emotional connection/relationship a child experiences with their significant adult.
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Infancy (0-2): Attachment - Bowlby (1953)
Bowlby argued that infants have an inbuilt need to form an attachment with a carer. The quality of this attachment may affect emotional development for the rest of a child's life.
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Infancy (0-2): Attachment - Salter Ainsworth et al (1978) and Marris (1996)
They argue that the quality of our early attachment influences the assumptions we make about ourselves and others.
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Infancy (0-2): Attachment
Infants who are securely attached will grow up with the emotional resources needed to cope with uncertainty in life. Infants who are insecurely attached may have a reduced ability to cope with stress and major life events.
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others - What is self-concept?
An awareness of being an individual, a unique person and different from everybody else.
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others - What is self-image?
The way an individual sees themselves, their mental image of themselves
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others - What is self-esteem?
The confidence a person feels about themselves, self-worth or pride, sense of self respect and value; the value we give to ourselves based on how we have been treated by others in the past, and how we have performed in various areas of our lives.
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others
Children use their imagination to begin to understand the social roles that other people play. Children begin to imagine a ‘me’, an idea of self or self-concept.
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others
The way a child gets on with teachers and friends may influence their self-confidence. The child might develop a permanent sense of confidence or a sense of failure and inferiority.
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Adolescence (9-18): Identity
During adolescence, this sense of self continues to develop. An adolescent needs to develop a secure self-concept/understanding of identity in order to feel secure when working with other people.
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Adolescence (9-18): Identity
A person needs a clear understanding of identity in order to feel secure when working with other people or in order to make a loving sexual attachment.
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Adolescence (9-18): Identity
This may be a stressful time as self-esteem may depend on developing identity.
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Early and Middle Adulthood (19-65) - Intimacy
In adulthood, an individual’s self esteem is influenced by lifestyle such as their job or marital status. Self-image is affected by personal appearance and how others see you.
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Early and Middle Adulthood (19-65) - Intimacy
Individuals need to learn to cope with emotional attachment to a sexual papartner. This may involve not being too self-centred or defensive and not becoming emotionally isolated.
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Later Adulthood (65+) - Making sense of your life
Older people need a secure sense of self to enable them to cope with the physical changes associated with ageing and death. People who fail to make sense of their lives might experience emotional despair.
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Later Adulthood (65+) - Making sense of your life
Aspects of getting old that may worry you: appearance, health issues, need for care, loss of loved ones.
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Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others
Relationships with other family members may influence whether a child feels valued or has a sense of self-worth.
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Card 2


Infancy (0-2): Attachment - Bowlby (1953)


Bowlby argued that infants have an inbuilt need to form an attachment with a carer. The quality of this attachment may affect emotional development for the rest of a child's life.

Card 3


Infancy (0-2): Attachment - Salter Ainsworth et al (1978) and Marris (1996)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Infancy (0-2): Attachment


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Card 5


Early Childhood (3-8): Understanding self and others - What is self-concept?


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