Juvenal, The crowd in the circus

  • Created by: Georgia
  • Created on: 31-03-18 14:27
totam hodie Romam circus capit, et fragor aurem percutit, eventum viridis quo colligo panni.
Today the Circus holds the whole of Rome, and a roar strikes my ear, from which I understand that the victory is the green team’s.
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nam si deficeret, maestam attonitamque videres hanc urbem veluti Cannarum in pulvere victis consulibus.
For if they lost, you would see this city sad and in shock, just as when the consuls were defeated in the dust of Cannae.
2 of 5
spectent iuvenes, quos clamor et audax sponsio, quos cultae decet adsedisse puellae:
Let the young men watch, whom the noise and daring bets suit, and whom it suits to sit beside stylish girls.
3 of 5
nostra bibat vernum contracta cuticula solem effugiatque togam.
Let my wrinkled skin absorb the spring sun and escape my toga.
4 of 5
5 of 5

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Card 2


For if they lost, you would see this city sad and in shock, just as when the consuls were defeated in the dust of Cannae.


nam si deficeret, maestam attonitamque videres hanc urbem veluti Cannarum in pulvere victis consulibus.

Card 3


Let the young men watch, whom the noise and daring bets suit, and whom it suits to sit beside stylish girls.


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Card 4


Let my wrinkled skin absorb the spring sun and escape my toga.


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Card 5




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