Italian Verbs: Present Indicative, Second Person Singular (You)

Front of Card: phrase in Italian (eg: tu mangi) plus the verb before it was conjugated (eg: mangiare)

Back of Card: phrase in English (eg: you eat)

tu sei (essere)
you are
1 of 93
tu bevi (bere)
you drink
2 of 93
tu leggi (leggere)
you read
3 of 93
tu scrivi (scrivere)
you write
4 of 93
tu mangi (mangiare)
you eat
5 of 93
tu hai (avere)
you have
6 of 93
tu cucini (cucinare)
you cook
7 of 93
tu ceni (cenare)
you have dinner / you eat dinner
8 of 93
tu pranzi (pranzare)
you have lunch / you eat lunch
9 of 93
tu compri (comprare)
you buy
10 of 93
tu fai (fare)
you make / you do
11 of 93
tu vuoi (volere)
you want
12 of 93
tu puoi (potere)
you can / you are able to
13 of 93
tu vedi (vedere)
you see
14 of 93
tu vai (andare)
you go
15 of 93
tu dai (dare)
you give
16 of 93
tu dici (dire)
you say
17 of 93
tu parli (parlare)
you speak / you talk
18 of 93
tu sai (sapere)
you know (possessing information about something)
19 of 93
tu conosci
you know (being acquainted with someone or something)
20 of 93
tu trovi (trovare)
you find
21 of 93
tu prendi (prendere)
you take / you get
22 of 93
tu pensi (pensare)
you think
23 of 93
tu chiedi (chiedere)
you ask / you ask for
24 of 93
tu porti (portare)
you wear / you carry / you bring
25 of 93
tu metti (mettere)
you put
26 of 93
tu diventi (diventare)
you become
27 of 93
tu tieni (tenere)
you keep
28 of 93
tu rimani (rimanere)
you remain
29 of 93
tu credi (credere)
you believe
30 of 93
tu senti (sentire)
you hear
31 of 93
tu capisci (capire)
you understand
32 of 93
tu vivi (vivere)
you live
33 of 93
tu chiami (chiamare)
you call
34 of 93
tu lavori (lavorare)
you work
35 of 93
tu ricordi (ricordare)
you remember
36 of 93
tu entri (entrare)
you enter
37 of 93
tu usi (usare)
you use
38 of 93
tu decidi (decidere)
you decide
39 of 93
tu segui (seguire)
you follow
40 of 93
tu apri (aprire)
you open
41 of 93
tu guardi (guardare)
you look at / you watch
42 of 93
tu muori (morire)
you die
43 of 93
tu piaci (piacere)
you like
44 of 93
tu aspetti (aspettare)
you wait for
45 of 93
tu finisci (finire)
you finish
46 of 93
tu arrivi (arrivare)
you arrive
47 of 93
tu vengi (venire)
you come
48 of 93
tu passi (passare)
you spend / you pass
49 of 93
tu giochi (giocare)
you play
50 of 93
tu provi (provare)
you try / you try out
51 of 93
tu perdi (perdere)
you lose
52 of 93
tu cambi (cambiare)
you change
53 of 93
tu offri (offrire)
you offer
54 of 93
tu unisci (unire)
you unite
55 of 93
tu rispondi (rispondere)
you respond
56 of 93
tu chiudi (chiudere)
you close
57 of 93
tu ami (amare)
you love
58 of 93
tu costruisci (construire)
you build / you construct
59 of 93
tu scegli (scegliere)
you choose
60 of 93
tu indichi (indicare)
you indicate
61 of 93
tu aiuti (aiutare)
you help
62 of 93
tu aggiungi (aggiungere)
you add
63 of 93
tu succedi (succedere)
you happen / you succeed
64 of 93
tu manchi (mancare)
you miss
65 of 93
tu guidi (guidare)
you drive
66 of 93
tu receri (recevere)
you recieve
67 of 93
tu significhi (significare)
you mean
68 of 93
tu dimostri (dimostrare)
you demonstrate
69 of 93
tu paghi (pagare)
you pay / you pay for
70 of 93
tu spiegi (spiegare)
you explain
71 of 93
tu cadi (cadere)
you fall / you fall down
72 of 93
tu incontri (incontrare)
you meet
73 of 93
tu cresci (crescere)
you grow / you raise
74 of 93
tu ascolti (ascoltare)
you listen
75 of 93
tu giri (girare)
you turn
76 of 93
tu colpisci (colpire)
you hit
77 of 93
tu ritorni (ritornare)
you return
78 of 93
tu studi (studiare)
you study
79 of 93
tu firmi (fermare)
you stop
80 of 93
tu controlli (controllare)
you check / you control
81 of 93
tu corri (correre)
you run
82 of 93
tu mandi (mandare)
you send
83 of 93
tu tiri (tirare)
you pull / you pull up
84 of 93
tu inviti (invitare)
you invite
85 of 93
tu dimentichi (dimenticare)
you forget
86 of 93
tu descrivi (discrivere)
you describe
87 of 93
tu vendi (vendere)
you sell
88 of 93
tu salvi (salvare)
you save
89 of 93
tu attraversi (attraversare)
you cross
90 of 93
tu cerchi (cercare)
you seek / you look for / you seach
91 of 93
tu preferisci (preferire)
you prefer
92 of 93
tu impari (imparare)
you learn
93 of 93

Other cards in this set

Card 2


you drink


tu bevi (bere)

Card 3


you read


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


you write


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


you eat


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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