isomerism including chiralty

stereoisomerism and optical isomerism and chrialty. according to the OCR spec


1. what is stereoisomerism?

  • E/Z or Cis/Trans where both groups on either side of the double bond are different from each other.
  • E/Z or Cis/Trans where both groups on either side of the double bond are the same.
1 of 5

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2. what is a chiral molecule?

  • a carbon atom with four different groups attached
  • a carbon atom with three different groups attached
  • a carbon atom with two different groups attached
  • a carbon atom with the same goups attached

3. how does chiralty work?

  • if the molecule is rotated in any way it will not match it's chiral partner.
  • if the molecule is rotated it will match it's chiral partner.

4. why is chiralty an issue in producing drugs?

  • half of the drug is wasted as it is it's chiral partner and it is unethical to produce two chiral drugs.
  • one of the chiral drugs could be harmful and half of the drug is wasted as it is it's chiral partner
  • one of the chiral drugs could be harmful and the pharmalogical activity is increased
  • half of the drug is wasted as it is it's chiral partner and the pharmalogical activity is increased

5. how can you over come the issues with using a chiral drug.

  • use an enzyme in the production and increase the temperature
  • use an enzyme in the production and start with one chiral reactant
  • start with one chiral reactant and increase the temperature




The answers to the first question don't make sense.



Thank you, a good quiz :) 

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