What is the definition of intelligence?
What is measured by an intelligence test, usually assess IQ with is standardised to a mean of 100 and an SD of 15, lets look at some simple intelligence test items and see if you think that is what makes you intelligent
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What is the psychometric IQ: Hierarchical structure?
Spearman - GC(learnt 83-93% of IQ tests), GF (biological potential, 7-17% of IQ test), Gc leads to spelling, writing, oral style. Gf leads to reading speed, piagetian reasoning, sequential, inductive reasoning
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What is the IQ distribution?
It has a normal distribution
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What is fluid intelligence or Gf?
Focuses on process independent on content or knowledge domain, seen to include executive control and working memory tasks (may be referred to as fluid cognition), seen as biologically instantiated in the prefrontal cortex, declines in later life
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What is crystal intelligence?
Gc is a product of Gf - investment theory (Cattell), Gc test: vocabulary and as such represent acquired knowledge, knowledge increases over life
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What is the flynn effect?
Generation rise in IQ by on average of 10 points, this is seen across at least 14 different countries, it is more substantial for Gf than Gc, highest in the netherland, below average in the UK, ceased in Sweden and reversed in Norway
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What is the heritability paradox?
If heritability is so strong and environmental effect so small on IQ, how can changes in the environment create large changes in IQ, social multiplier, averaging gene environment matching
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What is the social multipliers?
Environmental that cause the IQ of some people to increase, internet and access to information, TV, gaming, Schooling, group learning and studying, culture of education
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What is matching?
There is a gene-environment correlation People seek out environments that match their phenotype The process by which the ability and the environment are matched, produces increases in that initial ability. Thus environment increases genetic ability
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What is averaging?
As the individuals ability rises, this will also influence those around them, such small effect over time will influence the population more widely, the population average will increase
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Dickens & Flynn (2001)
Genetic endowment --> Measured IQ --> population average IQ --> environment
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What increases with age?
Heritability increases with age, 40% in childhood, 60% in adulthood and 80% in old age
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What is socio-economic status?
Heritability high for high SES, h2=72%, heritability virtually zero for low SES, h2=10% and enviornment=60%
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What does the age effect do?
Represents a gene-environment correlation. genes need the appropriate environment to express. High IQ people will seek out high IQ contexts and as they get older their intelligence will show
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What is the SES effect?
May reflect a gene-environment interaction. More resources in high SES to allow genes for IQ to express. SES however is ot just environmental but may reflect genetic effects
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What does Heritability not allow?
Inferenc to between group differences, the proportion of individual difference variation that is attributable to genetic variation, G= genetic variation, E= environmental variation. 50% heritability does not mean that 50% of the trait is inherited
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What does a population measure?
And cannot be applied to individuals. This is crucial for the old debate on 'race' and IQ, certain ethnic groups scored lower on IQ tests, but this may reflect culture issue and not genetics
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Heritability (Sternberg et al, 2005)
Heritability is not the same as genetic influence, high heritability does not mean that modification is not possible
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What is example, what is PKU?
This is a single gene disorder, meaning that the new born to 5 years cannot metabolise phenylkentones, which can lead to toxins in the blood and development disorder. However, remove PK from the diet and the genetic is not seen
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McDaniel, 2005
Higher IQ is associated with larger brain volumes
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Parieto Frontal integration theory of intelligence (Jung and Haier, 2012)
Represent the cortical interaction between parietal and frontal structure associated with reasoning and problem solving, which when linked by white matter underpins individual differences in human reasoning
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What is this basic idea?
That sensory information in gather and feed forward to be analysed for it symbolic meaning and eventually forward for solutions and reflection and evaluation
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What are the P-FIT theory (Jung and Haier, 2007) steps?
Sensory processing: 18 and 19, extra striate cortex, 37 = fushiform gyrus
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step 2?
Symbolic processing, 40= supramarginal gyrus, 39= angular gyrus, 7 superior parietal gyrus
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Step 3?
Parietal frontal integration
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Step 4?
Response selection
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What is step 1 of the PFIT model?
Assumes that human attend to and gather salient information via auditory and visual processes
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Step 2?
Feed forward to parietal lobes for symbolism, abstraction and elaboration
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Parietal cortex interacts with frontal cortex for hypothesis testing of various solutions
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Step 4?
Anterior cingulate constrains response selection to inhibit competing responses
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Step 5?
Steps 1 to 4 require the fidelity of the underlying white matter for error free transmission
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What is the step 1 of the Ackerman?
BAsic IQ investment model, Process --> Gc
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What is the step 2 of the ackernman?
Knowledge influences interests and this is mediated by personality
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What is trait complexes?
This is the idea that individual differences in intelligence, personality and interests go together to create coherent complexes
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What has been identified by Ackerman & Heggestad (1997)
Clerical conventional, social, science maths, intellectual cultural
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the psychometric IQ: Hierarchical structure?


Spearman - GC(learnt 83-93% of IQ tests), GF (biological potential, 7-17% of IQ test), Gc leads to spelling, writing, oral style. Gf leads to reading speed, piagetian reasoning, sequential, inductive reasoning

Card 3


What is the IQ distribution?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is fluid intelligence or Gf?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is crystal intelligence?


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