Interpreting Geographical Data

Year one statistics exam

  • Summation sign
  • Rounding
  • Central tendency
  • Variability
  • Boxplots
  • Standard deviations
  • Normal distribution
  • Sampling
  • Reliability and standard errors
  • Confidence intervals and t-distribution
  • Colomn, charts and tables
  • Hypothesis testing and one sample t-test
  • Two sample t-test
  • F-test
  • Anova I
  • Anova II
  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 04-01-15 13:38
What is a subscript?
When a figure is lower down and in a lower case form from a letter.
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What does the sigma, E and numbers mean in a summation equation?
Sigma= sum, E= quantity and the numbers represent the reference number
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What is the dummy variable?
It is shown by the subscript of j next to the sigma sign but not in the rest of the equation.
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What is rounding down also known as?
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What do you do when asked to round off?
Your round up or down depending on what distorts the data the most
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What is it when we have a convention?
When we do not know whether to round up or down as the are both equal as each other, but generally you round up.
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When do you start start counting significant figures?
Following a decimal place and a figure other than 0
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What statistics are similar to one another?
Mean and median are normally similar whilst the mode can be very different
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What is the best form of mode?
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Which statistic is more sensitive to extreme values?
The mean and not the median or mode
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Definition of variability
All different values
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Definition of central tendancy
A typical value
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Definition of range
A value that lies within the values
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Definition of error
When cannot measure a value perfectly so automatically introduces uncertainty
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What is dispersion also refferred to as?
Variation within the data
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What is nominal data?
Where you allocate a score to a category and it indicates a group of data
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What is ordinal data?
Where you rank items that you measure depending on which has a more or less of an influence that we want to measure. Intervals are not necessarily equal and there is not true zero point
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What is interval data?
Where there are equal intervals of data on a continuous numerical scale, eg: farenheit
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What is ratio data?
Where there are equal intervals between the data and an absolute zero, eg: time
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What is variability?
The tendency to vary. It is the measure of variation or dispersion
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How do you calculate variability?
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Why is range a good statistic?
Extreme values are not ignored
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Define sample
Statistical methods used to make statements about the poplation
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Define inference
The process of moving from info about samples to statement about population
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Define confidence
The application of probability levels to statements made about the sample and whether they fit with the true population parameters
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Define parameters
Statistics from samples for population
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Define statistics
Best guess of the true population parameter
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What is the definition of quartiles?
Eliminates the extreme values and is related to the median
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What is the weighted average?
When you work out the fraction between the gaps of data, where each quartile is calculated
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What do whiskers represent?
Data outside the 50% average, up or down
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What is known as an outlier?
If a dataset is more than the IQR up or below
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What does a histogram predominately show?
Central tendancy and variation
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What can you not add up from the data shown on a histogram?
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What is termed as a symmetrical within histograms?
Values in and around the mean
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What is known as artefact?
Making sure you analyse the data carefully without thinking it is false as it is not the whole population
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What does a Poisson frequency distribution graph show?
Unusual things
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Which statement is incorrect about a good measure?
A good measure should increase with sample size increase
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What is not a step of working out standard deviations?
The mean is then added to each value
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Which key term and definition is incorrect?
Bias- if errors are random, are reliable and give correct conclusions. Favouring aspects as equally as one another.
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Which statement is incorrect about multiple samping?
Sampling does not have to be truly random
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Which statement best describes a parent distribution?
The real population from which you will sample
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What is reliability?
The measure of how similar the sample mean is as an estimate to the population mean
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Which statement is incorrect about how we measure reliability?
Unreliability is not proportional to the sample standard deviation divided by the sample size
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How do we calculate a confidence interval?
By calculating a range within which we are confident that the true mean lies
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Which statement is incorrect about confidence intervals?
The 95% is more wider than the 99%
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What do we not need to calculate of confidence interval?
The range
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Which statement is not true for the students t-test?
More degrees of freedom makes the curve wider and less degrees of freedom make the curve narrower and more similar to the normal distributions
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Which statement is incorrect about determining t?
The critical value of t is completely different from the tabulated t value
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Which is the correct formula for calculating the confidence interval?
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Which statement is incorrect about reporting CI?
The mean was 6.75 mm at 95% CI and N=100
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Which statement is incorrect about how we visually display data?
Maps are used to show trends in data patterns
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Which is not an improvement that could be made to colomn charts?
May the chart look as professional as possible
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Which statement is incorrect about error bars on Excel?
You can use the option of standard error or standard deviation in Excel
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What should tables not show?
The median and mode
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Which statement is incorrect about clustered colomn charts?
Clustered coloumn charts show four variables, length which changes continuously, country which has four categories, market which has two levels and also the mean of each
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Which is not a difference between chart coloumns and histograms?
The both contains plotting points against axis y and z
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What is Occams razor?
If two explanations account for the facts equally well, the simpler one is to be preffered.
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Which explanation about hypothesis' is incorrect?
Hypothesis- there is not pattern
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Which statement is incorrect about counting the standard errors from the mean (6.72 mean and 7.0 intended value)?
Also need to know the range of values
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Why do you use a two tails test?
To work out the probability that we are at least 4 standard errors away from the sample mean, not that we are 4SE to the right of the sample mean.
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Why is it a one sample t-test?
100 grains in 1 country
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What is the definition of a critical value?
A value that distinguishes significant from non significant differences at a specified level of confidence
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Which statement is incorrect as to why should P values not be written on their own?
Give info on only two of these to support P value
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Which definition is incorrect?
PARAMETRIC TESTS is where we do not assume the varaibility of the true population and class them differently
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Which statement is correct in describing the statistical power?
Whether the test is powerful enough to detect a pattern, if that pattern exists. It is associated with TII errors.
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What happens when there is a different but we failed to detect it, Type II error?
Absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence.
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How can you reduce the number of unknowns in research?
Pilot Study followed by power analysis to see if sample size is too big/small
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What are the two differences between the equal and unequal tests of the independent sample tests?
The formula for SEmean is the same for unequal and equal variances
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How do we calculate the F test?
F = variance 1 ÷ variance 2. That is, F is simply the ratio of the variances. For this reason, the F-test is often called the ‘variance ratio test’. You use the degrees of freedom samples of the numerator and denominator
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?Which statement is incorrect about Levene's Test?
There is a variant of the T-test
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Which statement is incorrect about the non parametric tests?
Non-parametric tests typically have lots and more restrictive assumptions
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How to solve the problem of too many t-tests?
Reduce the alpha value from below 0.05 so that every test we do has not got a 5% chance of having a TI error because the more tests we do the higher this percentage is
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What is the Bonefferoni corection?
Divide the critical significance value by the number of hypothesis tests being done. 0.05 divided by 20 is 0.025
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Which statement is incorrect about the FITTED VALUE?
The best our model can do is predict that any given rice grain’s length will not be the mean grain length of rice from the same country – as judged by the grains in our sample.
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Why are all models wrongs?
They are simplifications of reality. However, they may still be useful in helping us make sense of our highly complex world.
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What is the null model?
It is the null hypothesis that all means are the same so can have the same mean as the overall mean. This is the simplest model we can use, called the null model because it is associated with the null hypothesis
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Which is not a feature visually shown by graphs when looking at fitted models and null models?
SST+SSE=SSM (model sum of squares)
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What does not constitute usefulness in the model?
Sample size
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How do you calculate the error of variance?
Error df= N-K to calculate the error variance of SSE/(N-K)
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What is model complexity measured by?
Degrees of freedom- the more you use the more complex and the more of the variation it should account for
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the sigma, E and numbers mean in a summation equation?


Sigma= sum, E= quantity and the numbers represent the reference number

Card 3


What is the dummy variable?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is rounding down also known as?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do you do when asked to round off?


Preview of the front of card 5
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