INNATE behaviour

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 22-02-16 18:40
How does the behaviour get to the offspring?
It is genetically inherited from the parents. It does not require learning.
1 of 12
Describe innate behaviour
It is rigid and inflexible. Unintelligent. Patterns of behaviour are stereotypical.
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Define innate behaviour
Any animal response that occurs without the need for learning. It is inherited.
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What are the advantages of innate behaviours?
Help to avoid predators, find a habitat and find food.
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What organisms are innate behaviours most suitable for?
Organisms such as invertebrates with a short life span, who live a solitary life and do not take care of their offspring.
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Explain reflexes
Escape reflex to avoid predators. Earthworms withdraw underground in response to vibrations on the ground. Involuntary responses.
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Explain kineses
Orientation. Rate of movement increases in unfavourable conditions. Non-directional response - response in relation to stimulus, not direction.
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Give an example of kinesis
Woodlice avoid predation by living in dark and damp conditions. If in bright/dry, will randomly and rapidly move to find suitable conditions. Physiological response.
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Describe taxes
Directional, orientation response. Direction of movement described in relation to stimulus which triggers behavioural response.
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Examples of behavioural responses
Positive phototaxis=towards, negative=away from a light stimulus. Positive chemotaxis=towards, negative=away from a specific chemical.
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Define FAP
Fixed action patterns. Stimulus causes a response/FAP.
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Give an example of complex innate behaviour
Waggle dance by worker honey bees. Used to communicate distance and direction of food source to other honey worker bees.
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Card 2


Describe innate behaviour


It is rigid and inflexible. Unintelligent. Patterns of behaviour are stereotypical.

Card 3


Define innate behaviour


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Card 4


What are the advantages of innate behaviours?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What organisms are innate behaviours most suitable for?


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