Influence of early attachment on later relationships

  • Created by: AK
  • Created on: 10-04-18 11:50
Internal working model
A mental representation of how relationships are meant to be based on a persons first relationship with their primary attachment figure
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Relationships in later childhood
Securely attached form the best quality childhood friendships. Insecurely have friendship difficulties.
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Myron-Wilson and Smith - relationship between bullying and attachment type
Myron-Wilson + Smith used questionnaires to assess attachment and bullying involvement. 196 children aged 7-11 from London. Secure least likely to be involved, Insecure-avoidant most likely to be victims, Insecure-resistant most likely to be bullies
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Hazan and Shaver procedure
Analysed 620 replies to love quiz printed in American newspaper.
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Hazan and Shaver findings
56% securely attached. 25% insecure-avoidant. 19% insecure-resistant. Secure most likely to have good and long romantic experiences. Avoidant tend to have jealousy and fear of intimacy
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Relationships in adulthood as a parent
People tend to base parenting style on internal working model. Bailey et al assessed 99 mothers and found most had same attachment to children as they had to mothers
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Evaluation - evidence on continuity of attachment is mixed
McCarthy's study supports continuity. Zimmerman found very little relationship
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Evaluation - most studies have issues of validity
Most studies don't use strange situation, instead use interview or questionnaire years after infancy. Relies on self-report techniques, and lacks validity as it requires accurate recollections
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Evaluation - association doesn't mean causality
Alternative explanations for continuity between attachment type. Parenting style or temperament may have direct effect on attachment and ability to form relationships with others
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Card 2


Securely attached form the best quality childhood friendships. Insecurely have friendship difficulties.


Relationships in later childhood

Card 3


Myron-Wilson + Smith used questionnaires to assess attachment and bullying involvement. 196 children aged 7-11 from London. Secure least likely to be involved, Insecure-avoidant most likely to be victims, Insecure-resistant most likely to be bullies


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Card 4


Analysed 620 replies to love quiz printed in American newspaper.


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Card 5


56% securely attached. 25% insecure-avoidant. 19% insecure-resistant. Secure most likely to have good and long romantic experiences. Avoidant tend to have jealousy and fear of intimacy


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