Other questions in this quiz

2. small set of 2 drums of different sizes which play the chosen rhythm cycles as well as improvised rhythms

  • tabla
  • table

3. The last section of a vocal raga, a fixed composition in the form of a song

  • bandish
  • bandishe

4. has two sets of strings to create a distorted effect. fretless and has a metal fingerboard so the player can slide up and down the strings

  • sarod
  • seranji

5. improvised music in several contrasting sections, based on a series of notes based on a certain rag

  • raga
  • rasa


Samuel Richardson


I like the fact these more difficult questions only have two options for answers in order to make difficulty more accesible. This doubles up as a spelling test for key terms on Indian Raga!



I think it is spelt Meend and not Mind, but thanks for the quiz

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