Ice on the land


1. What are the to ice sheet example and what are the size?

  • Arctic and Greenland (100 times 6km2) (8989 times 10km2)
  • Arctic and greenland (14 x 10^6km2) (2 times 10^6km2)
  • Arctic and greenland (14 times 10^6km2) (3times 10^6km2)
  • Arctic and Greenland(13 times 10^6km2) (2times 10^6km2)
1 of 19

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the crysophere?

  • just ice on the land
  • ice which is found in other planets aswell
  • the study of all things ice, which include ice caps, ice shelves, icebergs, ice sheets, glaciers, permafrost, mountains, snow cover and lake ice
  • also the ground, grass found in those areas, sheets, glaciers, permafrost, mountains, snow cover and lake ice

3. What is a valley glacier?

  • iu should know
  • bigger that 0.01 km suqared
  • each glaicer individual system flows as one unit, has a shape which flows as one unit and has a shape which flows onto the valley floor or coastal place, or marine terminating
  • interconnected glaiers, the big ones

4. What is an ice field glacier?

  • many glaicers which come together atthe end
  • u should know
  • interconnected valley systems, they are the largest glaciers and they flow off one main galciers, each outlet one has different form and shape
  • each glaicer individual system flows a one unit with one form and shape

5. What glaicers are unconstrained by topography?

  • ice caps that are more than 100'000km2, outlet glaicers, ice domes, ice sheets, ice streams and ice divides
  • ice sheeets which are greater than 50'000km2 and ice caps that are less than 50'000 km2, ice domes, ice divides, outlet glaciers, ice streams and ice shelf
  • ice caps that more than 50'000km2 and ice sheets than are below 50'000km2, ice domes, ice sheets, ice streams and outlet glaciers
  • ice caps that are greater than 50'000 kn2 and ice sheets that are greater than this, ice streams, ice shelf, ice divides, ice domes


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