IB Sports Science Topic 1 -Anatomy

  • Created by: Tami
  • Created on: 13-01-18 17:10
What is the axial skeleton?
Skull (Cranium),Sternum and Vertebral Column. (cervical 7, thoracic 12, lumbar 5, sacral 5 bones as 1 and coccyx 4 bones as 1)
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What is an appendicular skeleton?
Appendicular skeleton: limit to the pectoral girdle (scapulae and clavicles), humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvic girdle (ilium, ischium and pubis), femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.
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What is the function of the axial skeleton?
The function is to provide support and protection for the brain, spinal cord, and the organs in the ventral body cavity
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What is the function of the appendicular skeleton?
The function is to provide movement and attachment.
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What is a long bone and give an example?
FEMUR. It supports weight and facilitates movement.
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What is a short bone and give an example?
PHALANGES. They provide stability and some movement.
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What is an irregular bone and give an example?
Pelvic Girdle. They are specially shaped for specific movement.
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What is a flat bone and give an example?
Scapula. They provide protection.
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What are the four types of bones?
Long,short,flat and irregular
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You need to be able to label the stucture of a Long bone. So list all the features?
Proximal epiphysis, diaphysis, distal epiphysis, medullary cavity, spongy bone, articular cartilage, compact bone, periosteum, bone marrow, blood vessel
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Meaning of superior?
towards head (above)
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Meaning of proximal?
Near centre of body
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Meaning of distal?
away from the centre of the body
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Meaning of posterior?
back of the body
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Meaning of inferior?
away from head (below)
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Meaning of anterior?
The front of body
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Meaning of medial?
Towards the midline of the body
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Meaning of lateral?
Towards the side of body/ away from the middle
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Ouline the functions of connective tissue?
Cartilage is a shock absorber, Tendons attach muscle to bone, ligaments attach bone to bone
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What is a joint?
Where 2 or more joints articulate.
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Name the different types of joints and the movements the permit.
1)Fibrous- fixed and immovable 2)Synovial- free movable 3) cartilaginous- slighlty movable
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Features of a synovial joint?
Meniscus, synovial membrane, articular cartilage, ligament, bursae, articular capsule and synovial fluid
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List the different types of synovial joint?
hinge (elbow), ball and socket (shoulder), pivot (radioulnar), condyloid (carpals), gliding (tarsals) and saddle (thumb metacarpals)
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Outline the general characteristics common to muscle tissue?
contractility (can contract), extensibility (ability to extend), hypertrophy (ability to enlarge), atrophy (ability to waste away) and elasticity (ability to stretch and return to original shape).
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Distinguish between the different types of muscle?
Skeletal (voluntary with striated appearance), smooth ( involuntary, Lines the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs) and cardiac (involuntary, heart muscle )
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Define the term origin?
Origin is the attachment of a muscle tendon to a stationary bone.
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Define the term insertion?
Insertion is the attachment of a muscle tendon to a moveable bone
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You need to know how to annotate the structure of skeletal muscle. So list the features?
epimysium ( connective tissue around the muscle), perimysium (connective tissue around fasicles ), endomysium (connective tissue around muscle cells) muscle fibres, myofibril
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Name all anterior muscles in the body?
Iliopsoas, Deltoid, tibalis anterior, pectoralis major, biceps brachii, rectus abdominis, external obliques, satorius, quadriceps ( rectus femoris, vastus intermedialis, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis)
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Name all posterior muscles in the body?
Trapezius, gastrocnemius, soleus, erector spinae, triceps brachii, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, hamstrings (biceps femoris,semitendinosus and semimembranosus)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an appendicular skeleton?


Appendicular skeleton: limit to the pectoral girdle (scapulae and clavicles), humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvic girdle (ilium, ischium and pubis), femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.

Card 3


What is the function of the axial skeleton?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the function of the appendicular skeleton?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a long bone and give an example?


Preview of the front of card 5
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