What is a role?
- A particular job a person does in a setting
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What roles do employers have?
- Ensure compliance with health and safety legislation
- Must provide a safe place to work
- Must provide any training necessary
- Must provide appropriate and safe working equipment
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What roles do the NHS have?
- Provide a safe, secure and healthy place to work and visit
- Provide staff with training, info and supervision to work safely
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What roles do the local authority have?
- To promote health and safety by: Providing guidance, raising awareness and providing information about roles and responsabilities
- To enforce health and safety standards by: Carrying out inspections, making improvement recommendations and sending advis
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What roles do care managers/private care home owners have?
- Must develop, review and update health and safety policies and procedures
- Have effective systems for reporting accidents under RIDDOR
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What roles to headteachers and the board of goveners have?
- Have oversight and management roles to ensure safeguarding to protect anyone on school site
- Make sure all activities follow health and safety procedures
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What is the third sector?
- Charitable organisations
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What roles do the third sector have?
- Promote safeguarding and health and safety for employees and individuals who require care and support
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What roles do employees have?
- To use safe working practices to maintain safety
- Attend health and safety training
- Use PPE provided
- Report hazards in the workplace
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What roles do individuals who require care and support have?
- Follow any health and safety instructions provided (verbally, signs, alarms etc)
- Report any hazards that are noticed
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What is a responsability?
- Being expected to do something in a setting
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What responsabilities do employers have around promoting health and safety policies?
- Ensuring all relevant health and safety policies are in place
- Ensuring all staff are aware of their responsabilities
- Ensure health and safety training is provided
- Ensure the appropriate staff are recruited
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What responsabilities do employers have around maintaining health and safety policies?
- Keeping up to date with legislation
- Updating policies regularly
- Record and follow up all accidents or incidents
- Provide induction training for all new staff
- Provide ongoing training
- Check settings for health and safety issues
- Staff supervisi
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What responsabiities do employers have around enforcing health and safety policies?
- Regular fire drill evacuation practices
- Ongoing monitoring, supervision and training
- Managing a response to external checks
- Monitoring whether policies for staff ratios, supervision levels and working hours are being complied with
- Implementing d
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What repsonsibilities do employees have around using equipment and substances?
- Use them only in accordance with training
- Taking care of themselves and others around them
- Cooperating with wearing PPE as required and provided
- Not tampering or misusing equipment
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What responsabilities do employees have around reporting serious or imminent danger?
- Communicate hazards or anything dangerous
- Implement safeguarding procedures
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What responsabilities do individuals requiring care and support have around understanding health and safety policies?
- Take part in fire drills
- Report hazards
- Cooperate with risk assessments
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What are the direct costs for not meeting responsabilities?
- The setting being sued for negligence by residents, patients and their families or staff
- Compensation claims
- Legal costs and fines
- Insurance may not pay out if legal obligations were not complied with or procedures were not followed
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What are the indirect costs for not meeting responsabilities?
- Poor reputation for the setting
- Loss of business income
- Difficulty recruiting suitable staff
- Loss of trust and respect
- High staff turnover
- Future employment may be difficult to find
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What roles do employers have?


- Ensure compliance with health and safety legislation
- Must provide a safe place to work
- Must provide any training necessary
- Must provide appropriate and safe working equipment

Card 3


What roles do the NHS have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What roles do the local authority have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What roles do care managers/private care home owners have?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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