How the country was governed

  • Created by: lisa
  • Created on: 14-08-12 10:39
What was the Constitution of the Roman Republic?
A set of guidelines and principles passed down mainly through precedent.The constitution was largely unwritten, uncodified, and constantly evolving.
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The Roman Republic dates from?
Roman Republic 509 BC – 27 BC. It can be official end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman empire is recognized as the year 27BC when Octavian was granted extraordinary powers by the Roman Senate.
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What is the Roman Senate and its role?
The Senate was composed of leaders (chosen by the consuls) from the patricians, the noble and wealthy families of ancient Rome. They were the law makers and served for life.They controlled spending.
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What was the role of the Consuls and who were they?
Two elected consuls shared the head of government (senate). Has been elected to serve for a one year term, the highest position under the Republic. They controlled the army.
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Who made up the legislative assemblies and what was their role?
The Assembly (plebeian citizens, common man) had the right to assemble in the Forum and vote for or suggest laws, to declare war, but again, the Senate could override them. The Assembly voted 2 members of the Senate would serve as Consul
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How was the country governed?
A city of equal distribution in power, wealth and resources and a set of laws were there to reinforce the rules of the city.
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What were Committees and Councils?
The councils were an assembly of a specific group of citizens. A plebeian council elected plebeian magistrates (members within) and passed laws impacting only plebeians.
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What was the role of the Dictator?
Dictators had the highest level of power.
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What were the levels of power?
After the Dictator was the censor, and then the consul, and then the praetor, and then the curule aedile, and finally the quaestor.
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What was the Roman Magistrates?
The Roman magistrates were elected officials of the Roman Republic. Each Roman magistrate was vested with a degree of power.
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What was the role of the Censors?
2, elected every 5 years for terms of 1½ years; conducted census of citizens and property assessments for tax purposes.
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What was the role of the praetors?
8, served primarily as judges in law courts and assumed administrative duties of consuls when these were absent from Rome.
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What was the role of the aediles?
4, supervised public places, public games, and the grain supply in the city of Rome; 2 were required to be plebeians.
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What was the role of the tribunes?
10, had to be plebeian, because the office was established to protect the plebeians from arbitrary actions of magistrates
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What was the role of the quaestors?
20,administered finances of state treasury and served in various capacities in the provinces; when elected quaestor, a man automatically became eligible for membership in the Senate, though censors had to appoint him.
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What is a Republic?
A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised via representatives they chose.
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Who was Julius Casear?
Julius Caesar was a great general and an important leader in ancient Rome.
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What and when was Julius Casear elected tribune?
In 69BC (patrician family), an officer elected by the plebs to represent their interest in matters.
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What and when was Julius Casear elected Quaestor?
The supervised financial affairs. 69 BC
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When and with who was Julius Casear elected Consul?
Julius Casear was elected consul in 59BC, with Marcus Bibulus.
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What is a triumvirate?
a coalition of three magistrates or rulers for joint administration.
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What/When was the 1st Triumvirate?
The First Triumvirate. was the alliance of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus formed in 60 B.C.
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What and when was the 2nd Triumvirate?
Legally established in 43 B.C (five years), was renewed in 37 B.C. The members were Octavian (Augustus), Marc Antony, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Granted enormous power by the senate. Lepidus was deposed in 36 B.C
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What does it mean when we say dictator in perpetuum?
dictator for life
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What is an Empire?
A state of government where the nations of people are ruled by an emperor, empress or some supreme authority.
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Card 2


The Roman Republic dates from?


Roman Republic 509 BC – 27 BC. It can be official end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman empire is recognized as the year 27BC when Octavian was granted extraordinary powers by the Roman Senate.

Card 3


What is the Roman Senate and its role?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the role of the Consuls and who were they?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who made up the legislative assemblies and what was their role?


Preview of the front of card 5
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