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6. What is a strentgh of qualitative date and a weakness of quantative data>

  • Qualitative data is easier to replicate than quanative data.
  • Quanatative date can be broken down into qualitative data
  • Qualitative data can be broken down into quanatative data.
  • qualitative data provides less in depth reasons behind behaviopur rather than just providing the statistsics of the behavhiour.

7. There are two types of confounding variables: participant and situational. What type is the following: Tiredness?

  • Tiredness is a participant variable, as it is something to do with the individual taking part.
  • Tiredness is neither of these as it is not a confouding variable as it is not kept the same.
  • Tiredness is a situational variable is it is affected by the enviroment around you.
  • Tiredness is a participant variable as it is something that all participants show.

8. Woudl you record the following dat5a as qualitiative and quantitative? An observational study is conducted into levels of psychical agression seen in 3 year old boys and grls in nursery school

  • You would use quanative as it would provide more scientific results.
  • quanative as you could easily record boys and girls different levels of aggression in a tally chart for example.
  • Qualitative as you would want details about just how aggressive the children have been.
  • You would use both by recording the number of girls and boys showing high and low aggression levels and making notes on what you observe.

9. What would be the independent variable in the following test? Testing whever y7ou can recall more words when you have already been studying previously or not?

  • Whever you are focused on something or not
  • Whever you have a good memory
  • Whever you have been studying prior to the test or not
  • Whever you have done study in the last couple of days

10. A field experiment is an experiment that is what?

  • Natural experiment in an artifical setting
  • Set up and in a natural setting
  • Set up but in an artifical setting
  • Natural experiment in a natural setting.