Hospitality and Catering

A priced menu where food is cooked to order
a la Carte
1 of 100
When the body reacts to a particular food when it is eaten
2 of 100
small microscopic organisms found all about us
3 of 100
water container to protect food from burning during cooking
bain marie
4 of 100
shows the consumer when the product is in its best condition if kept according to manufacturer's instructions
best before date
5 of 100
holding ingredients together such as beef burgers
6 of 100
to cool food quickly by blasting it with very cold air
blast chill
7 of 100
small bundle of herbs
bouquet garni
8 of 100
burnt cream
creme brulee
9 of 100
food presented in a spread for self service
10 of 100
injury caused by dry heat such as hot tray
11 of 100
A unit of measure to measure the energy value in food
12 of 100
measures our impact on the environment by looking at the greenhouse gases produced by our use of electricity, transport and heating
carbon footprint
13 of 100
the gas produced when yeast ferments which helps the bread rise by creating bubbles of gas
carbon dioxide
14 of 100
people employed for events and at the last minute
casual staff
15 of 100
proteins set and harden to form a structure
16 of 100
a person that suffers from gluten intolerance so needs to avoid wheat, rye, barley and oats
17 of 100
colours chosen for food preparation areas and equipment
colour codes
18 of 100
range of food products used in dishes and recipes
19 of 100
something that can be made m any times and will have the same flavour, colour, shape, size and texture
consistent product
20 of 100
actions needed to eliminate hazards
control measures
21 of 100
food that is prepared in some way to save time and money
convenience food
22 of 100
inner temperature of food
core temperature
23 of 100
the place setting for a meal
24 of 100
step in the preparation of fod which has to be carried out correctly to make sure that a hazard is removed or reduced to a safe level
critical control point
25 of 100
when bacteria transfers from one food to another
26 of 100
temperature range within which multiplication of pathogenic bacteria is possible (5-63 degrees celsius)
danger zone
27 of 100
the company sets systems to help avoid contamination of food products
due diligence
28 of 100
main course
29 of 100
dishes from a specific culture
ethnic food
30 of 100
theb enforcement officer at local government level whp covers public health
environmental health officer
31 of 100
proteins that speed up metabolic reactions
32 of 100
when animals are farmed on a massive scale, sometimes without care of their welfare
factory farming
33 of 100
quick to prepare and serve foods
fast food
34 of 100
to cause the chemical change which takes place during breadmaking and helps the bread rise.
35 of 100
government scheme to encourage us to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day
five a day
36 of 100
list of information that should be on a food label
food labelling regulations
37 of 100
the distance food travels from field to plate
food miles
38 of 100
food safety from raw ingredients to finished products
food safety act
39 of 100
unwanted objects/organisms
foreign bodies
40 of 100
adding a decoration to a dish for colour
41 of 100
a protein in flour which helps to form the bread framework (structure of bread)
42 of 100
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
43 of 100
anything that can cause harm to someone
44 of 100
person in charge of preparing and cooking food
45 of 100
food production area which is most likely to be contaminated with bacteria
high risk area
46 of 100
food which are very suitable for bacterial growth
high risk foods
47 of 100
health and safety executive
48 of 100
a system for keeping food, equipment, people and clothing for food work
49 of 100
on premises
in house
50 of 100
someone that must avoid milk and milk products
lactose intolerance
51 of 100
stretching the dough to improve quality and texture of baked bread
52 of 100
the symbol a company uses on products
53 of 100
modified atmosphere packaging where food is packed to last longer
54 of 100
something that appeals to people and will sell when it reaches the shops
marketable product
55 of 100
when metals such as iron get in the food
metal contamination
56 of 100
living organisms of microscopic sizes
57 of 100
preparation done before assembling products
58 of 100
when people become overweight by eating too much or taking too little exercise
59 of 100
food produce without use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers
organic food
60 of 100
sensory properties
organoleptic properties
61 of 100
disease producing organisms
62 of 100
food is hotter than 70-72 degrees celsius
piping hot
63 of 100
the amount of food that satisfies the need for a customer
64 of 100
when bread dough is left in a warm place to allow the dough to increase in size
65 of 100
a system which aims to ensure the quality is inbuilt by means of writeen procedures and communications
quality assurance
66 of 100
checks carried out at different stages of production to ensure that the required standards are maintained
quality assurance procedures
67 of 100
steps to make sure that a product is made to certain standards
quality control
68 of 100
a substance added to baking mixture to help it rise
raising agent
69 of 100
finding ways to reuse paper and waste products
70 of 100
the likelihood of an hazard occuring
71 of 100
an hazard analysis and predicts how likely a hazard might occur
hazard assessment
72 of 100
food poisoning bacteria
73 of 100
caused by moist heat such as boling water
74 of 100
food cost X 100 / 40
selling price
75 of 100
words to describe taste, smell, texture and flavour
sensory descriptor
76 of 100
second in charge
77 of 100
period of time a product is expected to last under recommended conditions of storage
78 of 100
for food products, these should cover details of size, shape, weight, shelf-life, nutritional composition, appearance and sensory characterists, cost and hygiene standards
79 of 100
food that is produced with care for the environment
sustainable food production
80 of 100
a menu with fixed prices and limited choice
table d'hote
81 of 100
the group a product is designed for
target group
82 of 100
poison made by a pathogen
83 of 100
tracing a product back to its origins
84 of 100
the enforcement officer at local level who covers commercial laws
trading standards officer
85 of 100
the likelihood of something happening
86 of 100
people that don't eat any food products
87 of 100
a single celled plant fungus which is used to help make bread rise
88 of 100
food offered seperately from a main dish
89 of 100
food that is firm to bite
al dente
90 of 100
sauce made from fruit or vegetable puree
91 of 100
fried or grilled cubes of bread
92 of 100
cook with flame by burning away alcohol
93 of 100
vegetable strips cut to matchstick size
94 of 100
spiced liquid used to flavour meat and fish
95 of 100
smooth mixture made by passing mixture through a sieve
96 of 100
boil a liquid to make it more concentrated
97 of 100
a sauce made from a mixture of flour and fat
98 of 100
tossed in fat
99 of 100
a system to identify hazards and risks associated with food production
100 of 100

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When the body reacts to a particular food when it is eaten



Card 3


small microscopic organisms found all about us


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


water container to protect food from burning during cooking


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


shows the consumer when the product is in its best condition if kept according to manufacturer's instructions


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Esther Tshimuanga


jill richardson


Great for last-minute revision - nearly 100 flashcards covering many aspects of catering -and you can also create crosswords and wordesearches from them.

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