Hobson's Choice Themes - Choice

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 14-11-18 12:08

1. Alice and Vickey's choice 1: Choose if to stay and help. They...?

  • Choose to stay so they can run it and their father.
  • Choose not to stay, allowing Maggie and Will to come and be workers in Hobson's shop.
  • Choose not to stay, allowing Maggie and Will to get the shop.
  • Choose to stay so they can get the shop and profit from it.
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2. Hobson's choice 5: Doctor's advice. He...?

  • Is forced to follow it, practice abstinence and be looked after by Maggie.
  • Refuses to practice abstinence and Maggie leaves him to his fate.
  • Is forced to follow it, take horrible medicine, drink lots of alcohol and be controlled by Maggie.
  • Refuses to drink the medicine and Maggie leaves him to his fate.

3. Hobson's choice 4: How to treat Will. He...?

  • Treats him with violence and contempt because of his low social status.
  • Treats him with respect and love as he is now his son.
  • Treats him with voilence and contempt because Will is rude to him.
  • Treats him with respect and love because Maggie respects and loves him.

4. Will's choice 2: Builds up confidance. He...?

  • Chooses to grow in confidance because he can now read and write and earn money.
  • Chooses to grow in confidance now that he is rich, educated and has changed the way he looks on things.
  • Chooses to grow in confidance because Maggie educates him and forces him to change the way he looks at things.
  • Chooses to grow in confidance because Maggie educates him and gives him money to become upper class.

5. Hobson's choice 2: He "falls" into big trouble and need help. He...?

  • Goes to Maggie for her advice, but ends up losing £500 and his daughters through being tricked.
  • Decides he can sort out the problem himself and gains £500 pounds through tricking Maggie and his daughters.
  • Goes to Maggie for help, but ends up losing his home, business, family and all his money.
  • Decides he can sort out the problem himself but he ends up losing £500 and his daughters


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