
What problems did the great depression cause Japan
They had no raw materials.
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When was the Wall Street Crash?
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What effect did the Wall street crash have on Japan?
US had no money to spend on inports so Japan had no money coming in
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What did Japan do to about this problem and what did they gain?
Invaded Manchuria. Coal, iron and oil.
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When was the Mukden bomb explosion
September 1931
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Who caused the explosion and why?
Apparently Chinese but denied it.
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How did Japan retaliate?
Invaded to protect railway.
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Explain what happened next
Japan invaded and won Feb 1932. Got control of Mach and put in puppet emporer Pu Yi and renamed Manchukuo
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What was the leagues dilemma
China appealed but Japan might be telling truth about bomb France and Britain did not want to spend money
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What did the League do?
Sent Lord Lyton to run an enquiry. Japan was found to be in the wrong and asked to remove all troups then official demand by LON.
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What was Japans response?
Ignored the League and invaded Schol then full scale invasion of China
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Why did the league fail to stop Japan?
Economic didn't work because not every country part of League including USA who was the biggest trading port in world. LON stopped trading with Japan. The court was powerless as the LON had no army to enforce cautions or outcomes.
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What did Italy want to achieve from the invasion of Abyssinia
Mussolini wanted to build an Empire in Agrica.
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Why did Mussolini need to invade Agrica to acheive this
It was already owned by Libya, Eritrea & Somoliland. Had tried before but failed
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When was the border clash between AB and Italy and how did this help the invasion?
December 1934. 30 italians killed and Mussolini used this as as excuse to invade
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When did Italy invade Abyssinra and what happened
October 1935 Italy invaded with modern warfare against spears and Boust arrows
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What was the Stresa front and when was it
Brit and France saw Mussolini as a good ally against Hitler. Signed agreement, that they would stand together against Germany
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What was the leagues response
They gave Italy a moral condemnation and economic sanctions
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What was the Hoare-Laval pact
Gave Mussolini 2 thirds of Abyssina if stopped the fighting
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What happened next
Italy completed invasion and capture the Abyssinia captain. Hile Selassia fled to Geneva and asked LON for help
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What was the Abyssinia captains name
Addis Ababa
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Did LON help
No plea ffor help came too late. Italy and Germany sign Rome-Berlin axis in 1936
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Did Britain become involved
no Britain and France not committed had self interest did not want to get involved
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What did the US do
US biggest trading port. Economic sanctions pointless US had big mi;itary materials and not as scary without them
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What interest did Hitler have in Mussolini
Mussolini could be useful ally against Hitler if war occured. Hoare-laval pact offered Mussolini 2 thirds of Ab, Stresafront join if Hitler wanted war
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When did Schuschnigg meet with Hitler and why?
February 1938 to puersuade him not to invade by putting leading Nazi Seyss-Inquart as minister of interior
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What is the Plebiscite and what happened
Ask the Austrian people if they wanted to join with Germany. Hitler worried people didn't want it so demanded that Schuschnigg must resign and Seyss inquart would replace him if not Germany would invade. Schuschnigg resigned and was replaced by Seyss
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What happened on 11th March
Schuschnigg resigned and was replaced by Seyss Inquart and German troops crossed into Austria
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What was the outcome of the Austrain vote
99.75% ok with joining Germany
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When was the vote
10th April Britain or France did not intervene
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What was the Sudeten crisis
Saw Czech a sign of Germanys humiliation 1919 created by territory in Austo Hungarian empire contained 3 million German speakers
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What is the Czech problem
A geographical threat to German Western border it came deep into German territory. Had military bases factories coal and lignite. most of Czech military in Sudetenland if take over
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Why were Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt in Yalta and when
4-11 Feb 1945 They met and agreed that Stalin help America to defeat Japan and establish a communist goverment in Poranda. To work for democrcy in Europe. Established United Nations and restated USSR sphere of influence.
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What divisions were there
They disagreed on what democracy meant. Stalin thought the democrocy would be communist but Churchill and Roosevelt felt i should be a number of different parties
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What was the Novigam Telegram and when was it sent
A telegram from the Soviet ambassador to America concerning o-operation. America desired to rule the world. Americans were not interested in co-operation with USSR they preparing for war. 1946
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What was the long telegram
Truman received worrying news from America's ambassador in Moskow that Stalin gave a speech about wanting to destroy capitalism and USSR building up military
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What was the iron curtain speech
Aspeech read out by Churchill representing the West saying they were suspicious of USSR activities
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What was Stalin reponse to the Iron curtain speech
He said Churchill was a warmonger and was trying to provoke the USSR
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Why was there bad relations between Truman and Stalin
One representing Communism and one capitalism they despised each other making war more likely
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why did Truman delay the potsdum conference
to test his atom bomb. He thought by doing this he would have the upper hand over the others
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What was the buffer zone
Stalin wanted a buffer zone between West and USSR and protested that without it they would be open to attack from the west
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What was the containment in 1947
It was an idea to prevent the spread of Communism into Western Europe and they would not invade USSR but would help countries under threat .
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How did this affect the relationship
It ended the Grand Alliance but started the cold war
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What was the Marshall aid
13 million pledged to European countries to promote prosperity to limit the attraction of communism. 16 countries agreed inc GB and FR but they had to swt up trade with USA to receive the money
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What was the Cominform and when
An agreement made in 1947 to extend Stalins control and represent the Communist parties across Europe and bring under USSR control 1947
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What were the affects of the Coniform
It rejected the Marshall plan and Eastern Europe refuse Marshall aid. In France 2 million went on strike. In Hungary 5% of population in prison for not being loyal to Stalin. It consolidated the power of the USSR through Eastern Europe by stamping ou
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When was Comecon established and what were the aims
1949. It aimed to encourage economic development of Eastern Europe. To prevent trade with Western Europe and America and make Marshall aid less attractive.
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What were the effects
It ordered boycotts against Marshall aid in his satelite states. In its first year it comprised of USSR Bulgaria Czech Hungary Poland and Romania. In 1950 Albania and East Germany joined
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What was Stalins Berlin blockade plan
To cut of Western Germany from the East and to drive America Britain and France out of Berlin and leave under USSR control. He ended communications between East and West Berlin by closing roads and stopped trains from going to the West
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What was the Allies response
By airlifting resources into Berlin planes landing every minute. This dereate Stalin and he gave up the blockade
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What were the consequences
Berlin still divided up into four sections USSR upset that West Berlin still in the hands of the enemy. America achieved propoganda victory without using aggressive tactics. The blockade had increased tension between USA and USSR Stalin made to look
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When was the Hungarian uprising
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Why was there an uprising
Hungarians fed up with oppressive rule of Matayas Rakosi. Had no freedom only read and watch things approved by goverment
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Who was new Soviet leader and what was his promise
Krushcher he wuld use a more liberal approach to governing Eastern Europe during secret speech after Stalin died
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What was the response to this
Students thought speech meant that the USSR would not reform the goverment or Rakkosi so began to plot an illegal protesting
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What was Krushchevs response
Hungarian police tried to supress but failed were attacked with grenades and petrol bombs.
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Why did Krushchev appoint Imre Nagy as leader in Hungary
because protests had become violent and police failed to stop riots
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What did Imre Nagt propose
the intro of radical reforms that would reduce/end communist influence in Hungary and leave Warsaw pact
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What was Krushchevs reaction
alarmed by the extent of Imre Nagys reforms sent 200,000Soviet soldiers to regain control
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What was the outcome
2weeks of bitter fighting Soviets won. 20,000 Hungarians killed 200,000 escaped to Austria
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USA involvement
Sent 20 billion of food and medical aid to Nagy goverment. Did not offer military help it wud lead to confrontation with USSR poss nuclear war
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What was outcome of USA involvement
Encouraged Hungarians to fight on
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What was the Berlin crisis
East Berlin goverment unpopular many highly skilled labourers fled to the West where they enjoyed freedom and wealth
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How was this a problem for Krushcha
proganda disaster as proved capitalism preferred to communism
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What was the Krushchers challenge
He declared that all of Berlin belonged to the East and gave USA troups 6 months to withdraw also tried to stop people fleeing and humiliate USA
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What was USA response
USA not sure what to do did not want to lose W Berlin but did not want to start a war. Held an international meeting to discuss Berlins future
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What were the 4 summits
May 1959 held in Geneva, September 1959, May 1960 Paris, June 1961 in Vienna see notes
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How did the Berlin Wall come into being?
See notes
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Was the Berlin wall successful
Krushchev felt a good thing solved refugee problem stopped losing valuable labourers and avoided war.Didn't remove Americans on West and humilated to have wall to stop people escaping. JFK happy avoided a war USA not back down and let Krascher bully
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When was the Cuban missile crisis?
see notes
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What happened at the Bay of Pigs
Eisenhower thought best way to solve Cuban problem was to send CIA to assassinate Castro. JFK in power sent CIS to back revolution. Thought Cuba would back him up but was wrong
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Why did Cuban people not back JFK?
They had been trained by USSR and defeated America by 1961
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Why did Krushchev place nuclear bases on Cuba?
To protect Cuba from another invasion but also to make sure that he had missiles in range of USA if war should occur
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What were Kennedys options
Destroy weapons and would put Cuba under USA control, eliminate USSR threat and regain businesses stolen. Castro removed . May not suceed USSR could file missiles before and could escalate to war USA & USS.
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Do nothing USA had more nuclear weapons that USSR. USA could still destroy Soviet Union. USSR might be bluffing Don't over react. USSR lied about Cuban missiles might be lying about using them. JFK already given them solemn warning about using them .
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Surgical air attack would destroy sites before weapons ready to use but might not destroy all sites. Soviet soldiers killed USSR retaliate. To attack without warning immoral.
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Why did Hitler want the treaty of Versaille torn up
Germany humiliated forced to suffer and admit full responsibility for starting the war. It must be reversed
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What did Hitler see as Germanys future
the land he lost at Versaille but would go further. Wanted a greater Germany bringing together al Germans in one country which meant invading Poland, Chech and joining Austria to unite all German speakers wanted to stop Communism spreading to Germany
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What was Hitlers challenge to TOV
Rearmament Germany wouldn't disarm without Brit & France. Fr afraid of attack from Germany no one disarm. Hitler wanted army of 600,00 1935 introduced conscription and started building sir force luftwaffle
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What action did Britain and France take
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What did the Saar people vote to do in 1919
90% voted to go back under German control form the League. Hitler claimed showed how popular his rule was
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What was the remilitarisation of Rhineland
TOV said no weapons of troops allowed in the Rhineland. Hitler argued what if attacked from West 7th March 1936 troops ordered to march into Rhineland No match for the French is resist retreat but France not attack without UK.
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When did Hitler sign his allies and who were they
1936 Rome Berlin Italy Germany and Japan sign anti comintern pact against communism.
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Why did they sign
Admired his determination and otarlitarian regime all public life controlled by goverment
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Who did not sign and why
UK France Russia Suspicious of motives
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When did Austrian Nazis try to seize powere and what happened
1934 Hitler wanted to help Mussolini wanted influence sent 100,000 troops to Austrian border Hitler backed down
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When were the Nazis discovered to be planning to take over Austrian goverment
1938 Hitlers armed forces powerful Mussolini being friendly signing Rome Berlin axis. Hitler know Italy would not stop him. Schuschnigg appointed leading Nazis and hoped it would stop further trouble with Germany and stop interfering with Austrian po
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Why did USSR blockade Berlin like in 1948
To show USA serious not direct act of war. Put burden on Krushchek to decide what to do. USA had strong Navy culd still take action if did not work.
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Would negotiation be a solution
Would avoid conflict could resolve problem but if forced to back down sign of weakness would have to give USSR something in return
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List the events of the Cuban missile crisis in chronological order
see notes
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What were the immediate consquences
K authority reduced US missiles removed from Turkey kept secret. People felt K backed down and betrayed Cuba. Hotline set up in June 1963 direct communications line between USA president and Russian premier in Moscow. Banned testing of nulear weapons
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What were the long term consequences
Arms race USR wanted to catch up with USA didn't want to be pushed around by USA again. 1965 USA & USSR equal footing on nuclear weapons. France left NATO in case of nuclear war between USA & USSR Nato members obliged to fight for USA Charles De Gavi
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The road to war: What happened on 15th March
Hotler ordered his troops into Bohemia and Mooravia two parts of Chez that were protected by the Munich agreement
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When did Hitler demand the city of Mennel in lithuaniabe returned to Germany
20th March lithuania handled it over for fear of German invasion
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What happened on 31st March
Britain and France promised Poland that if they were threatened by Germany they would guarantee its independence. Tried to sign anti Nazi alliance but Stalin didn't trust them.
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What happened on 23rd August
Hitler & Stalin signed Nazi Soviet pact. They agreed not to fight wach other but also secretly agreed to divide Poland between them, Stalin wanted to bide time to prepare for war
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25th August
Chamberlain offered support to Poland in the Anglo Polish mutual assistance pact. Hitler was not put off by this following the Sudeten crisis.
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When did Germany invade Poland
1st September Britain and France demanded Hitler withdraw his forces he did not!
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When was the Wall Street Crash?



Card 3


What effect did the Wall street crash have on Japan?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Japan do to about this problem and what did they gain?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Mukden bomb explosion


Preview of the front of card 5
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