
  • Created by: ravisha
  • Created on: 18-05-14 17:45
What were the Royalists called?
Cavaliers, he gentry of the northern and western areas, were Royalists and supported the king. At the start of the war Charles had better horsemen. Charles also used soldiers from Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Most of the Royalists were conservative P
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What were Parliamentarians called?
Roundheads, the merchants and traders of the south-east and London, supported Parliament. This gave Parliament much more money than the king. Parliament also controlled the navy. Many of the supporters were also Puritan.
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Name two long term religious reasons for why the civil war happened
Charles I's Archbishop was Catholic, his name was Archbishop Laud and they tried to make all churches Catholic. The archbishop disliked puritans.Charles married a Catholic
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Name 5 of Elizabeth I's promlems
Mary Queen of Scots,Religion, Her looks, Marriage, Economy and Spain.
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What was Elizabeth's problem with looks?
She was getting older so she got herself painted younger than she was so that she still looked powerful.
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What was Elizabeth's problem with MQS
She was her cousi, but there had been rumours that Mary was trying to take Elizabeth's throne. They were both different religions too Elizabeth was Protestant while Mary was Catholic
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Card 2


Roundheads, the merchants and traders of the south-east and London, supported Parliament. This gave Parliament much more money than the king. Parliament also controlled the navy. Many of the supporters were also Puritan.


What were Parliamentarians called?

Card 3


Charles I's Archbishop was Catholic, his name was Archbishop Laud and they tried to make all churches Catholic. The archbishop disliked puritans.Charles married a Catholic


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Card 4


Mary Queen of Scots,Religion, Her looks, Marriage, Economy and Spain.


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Card 5


She was getting older so she got herself painted younger than she was so that she still looked powerful.


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