Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of Clemenceau's demands did Woodrow Wilson find particularly hard to accept?

  • There should be freedom of trade.
  • german troops had to leave the borders
  • Germany was to blame for the war.
  • Alsace-Lorraine should be returned to France.

3. What was self-determination?

  • countries should be part of empires
  • The right of the USA to decide if it signed the Treaty of Versailles or not.
  • Woodrow Wilson's idea that nations ought to be able to rule themselves.
  • The right of people to make their own peace with Germany.

4. Why did the Germans find the treaty particularly unfair?

  • There was no negotiation.
  • It was signed in the Hall of Mirrors, in the Palace of Versailles, near Paris.
  • It was based on the armistice.
  • war guilt

5. What was the armistice?

  • the treaty that was signed to punish russia
  • The ceasefire that ended the fighting in the First World War.
  • The decision to reduce arms after the First World War.
  • The invitation to the Versailles Conference after the First World War.


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