History Unit 2 USSR Brezhnev 1964-1982 Government

  • Created by: aurapook
  • Created on: 17-03-16 18:18
Brezhnev as leader
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Which reforms did he get rid of ?
Division of party into agricultural and industrial sections, limits on tenure (length in office)
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Things he introduced
Trust in cadres, subjectivism (no decisions made unless party was consulted), smoothed out division,
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Soviet Constitution DATE
1977, citizens have the right to criticice party secretaries, appointment not elections for posts in government and party, Party over the state (mature socialism)
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Stalin Question
Abandoned terror but also got rid of de-stalinisation
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23rd Party Congress DATE
1966, COngress of Silence, Presidium name changed back to Politburo
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Arrogant behaviour
awarded himself with medals, enjoyed luxeries, lached ability to deal with detail, left jobs to others
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His old Mafia
Dnepropetrovsk mafia, oligarchy (rule by small elite who govern in their own interests), olf collagues appointed, Kosygin, Suslov, Shelepin
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Political Stagnation
His government had no promotion, where its members became old and did not bring about any change to the system
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How did he promote ?
within te ranks of the lcoal party membership, little change, allowed corruption to go unnoticed
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Rule placed in the hands of elderly group of geriatrics
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How did politics stagnate ? DATE
1980's, 11 members over age of 70, Politburo meeting reduced to 40 minutes, prevented new comers, no change, 21% eliminated, no movement, little communication between Moscow and regional governments (centralisation)
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What did Brezhnev offer?
Stability for 18 years, died in 1982 (last 6 years of his regime was sick and unanswerable)
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Recognized need for reform, promotion of younger generation, died in 1984
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Mid 70's, no changes in leadership, died in 1985
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Card 2


Division of party into agricultural and industrial sections, limits on tenure (length in office)


Which reforms did he get rid of ?

Card 3


Trust in cadres, subjectivism (no decisions made unless party was consulted), smoothed out division,


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Card 4


1977, citizens have the right to criticice party secretaries, appointment not elections for posts in government and party, Party over the state (mature socialism)


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Card 5


Abandoned terror but also got rid of de-stalinisation


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