History (America-1920-1973)

What system does the US government have?
The USA has a federal system of government, the local authorities have control over the laws of the area and hold more power than the president, congress and Supreme Court
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What is the constitution?
A document signed in 1789 which establishes the laws of the USA
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What role do voters play in the elections?
Electors vote for the president, congressman, senators, governors and members of state government. 15th amendment allowed everyone over 18 to vote.
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What are the two political parties?
Republicans and democrats
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What role do state governments play in the federal system?
Made up of three parts, governor, state legislature, state courts. State laws only apply to the state where they are passed, federal laws apply to all the states
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What is the House of Representatives?
435 congressmen elected every two years, each one represents 450,000 voters and states with the most people have the most voters
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What is the senate?
100 senators elected for 6 years, 2 from each state, one third of the senate are elected every two years
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Wha is the congress?
Makes laws, decides on taxation, declares war and agrees peace, can accept or reject policies of a president, made up of House of Representatives and the senate. Congress and the president run the country
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What is the Supreme Court?
Contains 9 judges who are appointed b the president for life
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What role does the president play in federal system?
Elected by the people and head of the federal government, single most important politician in USA elected every 4 years, constitution designed to stop an individual become to powerful
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Key industries in 1920?
Cattle farming
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What are the most dense populated areas in 1920?
New York
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How did America become a rich nation; by WW1?
America sold food, weapons and goods to Britain and allies, created many jobs and increased income. Joined in 1917, over 100,000 American soldiers died, usa produced most of worlds basic goods
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How did America become a rich nation; By having new products to buy?
In 1916 15% Americans had electricity, but in 1927 70% of homes. Now workers could spend money on new technology, huge demand for goods created jobs in factories
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How did America become a rich nation; By having new ways to make goods?
Used latest technology to make goods quickly. Henry Ford built cars and an assembly line, one made every 10 seconds. Consumer goods produced quickly and as they got cheaper more were sold and more jobs created
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How did America become a rich nation; By having new ways to buy and sell goods?
Advertising campaigns,billboards, newspapers, magazine, urged to buy and keep up with everyone, sold in shops and catalogues, adverts, radios and in cinemas, ‘buy now and pay later’ scheme, 6 out of 10 cars were bought this way
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How did America become a rich nation; With help from the republican government?
Government put high taxes on foreign goods to increase selling rate of American goods as they were cheaper, cut taxes for the rich as they wanted them to start businesses and create jobs
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How did America become a rich nation; But did all Americans benefit?
Not everyone benefitted, almost half of the population were in poverty in 1928; farmers had to much food and couldn’t sell it to ace money, black workers lost work an faced discrimination, coal mines closed as electricity used
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How did entertainment change in the roaring twenties?
A time of ‘riotous fun’, social changes, growth of cities and growing prosperities gave Americans spare time and money to go out and enjoy themselves. leisure time and wages increased which was channeled into entertainment
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How did radio change in the roaring twenties?
Most people listened to the radio and most households had their own set, choice of programmes grew quickly from one in 1921 to 508 in 1922. New network NBC making 15 million dollars a year by 1929
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How did jazz change in the roaring twenties?
Became an obsession in young people, African American brought it with them into cities and captured minds of young white Americans. Also brought new dances, Charleston, older generation saw jazz as a corrupting influence on the young
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How did the motorcar change in the roaring twenties?
Cars helped cities grow, carried owners to and from entertainment, cars increased number of people attending sporting events, holidays, shopping trips
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How did Hollywood change in the roaring twenties?
Developing film industry, produced films all year round from sunny weather in California, in 1927 the first ‘talkie’ was made as all films had been silent prior to this, during he 1920’s movies became a billion dollar business
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How did sport change in the roaring twenties?
Baseball became a big money sport, as well as boxing which became very popular
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Who were the presidents in the 1920’s?
Warren Harding 1921-23
Calvin Coolidge 1923-29
Herbert Hoover 1929-33
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What is Laissez-faire economics?
In French, this term means “to leave alone” the republican governments wanted to leave businesses to do what they wanted
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What are low taxes?
Republican government reduced the amount of tax that American people paid
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What are tariffs?
In 1922, the Fordney-McCumber tariff made imported food more expensive than American goods
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What are trusts?
Large businesses worked together to control prices in certain industries
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What is an assembly line?
Products built bit by bit by inferential people, mass production of products
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What are consumer goods?
Goods bought and used for consumers not for manufactures for other goods
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What is hire purchase?
When a consumer can pay for an item in small set prices over a set period
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What arre import duties?
A high tax that was put on foreign products to encourage Americans to buy local produce
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What is rugged individualism?
When Americans work for themselves and not rely on government or anyone else for help
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What is fordism?
The methods made famous by Henry Ford in the way that consumer goods were made
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What are the positive effects of fordism?
Moving assembly line lowered cost of Model T, ford workers earned 2.6 dollars more than thee national minimum wage a day
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What are the negative effects of fordism?
Long days for the amount of pay, made rich famines richer and poor family’s poorer, not allowed to join trade unions and follow company’s strict policies
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What are the economic effects of the Wall Street crash?
1)industrial production dropped by a third
2)Americans couldn’t afford to pay back loans, banks were closed savings were lost
3)lack of demand for goods, many businesses closed, jobs lost
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What were the social effects of the Wall Street crash?
1)25% workers unemployed by 1933,
2) servers poverty and starvation
3) many relied on relief schemes and charity’s {bread lines common on street}
4)thousands became homeless, Hoovervilles
5)birth rate fell
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What was the effect of the depression o farmers?
They were already struggling with overproduction but prices were low, debts increased, couldn’t afford mortgages and were evicted. Long series of droughts made it worse
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How were businessmen affected by the depression?
Went bankrupt, banks demanded loans back which forced some to close, overproduction was already a problem the crash meant less people could buy the products which reduces the profit
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What did hoover do after Wall Street crash?
Did very little to intervene, rugged individualism, didn’t offer direct relief, he though if he created the right conditions people could work there way out of poverty, didn’t spend a lot of taxes, refused to get involved in economic recovery, introduced
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What were Hoovers proposals to reduce poverty?
Smoot-Hawley Tariff{raised prices of imported goods but other countries did the same and the amount of trade fell} National credit corporation{banks meant ro pay loan to stop struggling banks closing-many didn’t want to help rivals} federal home loan bank
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Why did people continue to lose convence in Hoover?
Businesses continue to fail and poverty and homelessness Rose is in a adequate response caused him to lose support in Congress, less confidence in leadership, Many saw his refusal to directly support people heartless.
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What happened in he 1932 election?
Hoover was beaten by Roosevelt, won by more than 20% of voters, he thought the government should be responsible for helping US citizens,
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What did he propose in election campaign ?
Three R’s (relief, recovery, reform)
1-improve immediately give direct relief
2-rebuilt trade to recover economy
3-create social and economic reforms
{he promised to end prohibition, direct relief to banks}
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What did Roosevelt do first?
In first hunkered days he put lots of legislations in place to help tackle depression, *emergency banking act, reorganise and supervise weaker banks*Alphabet agencies
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What is the NRA?
The national recovery administration Worked with businesses to reform working practices created codes for fair competition set minimum wages and maximum working hours and encouraged trade unions (economic)
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What is FERA?
Federal emergency relief administration,Provided money for state and local government to use for emergency relief, 800 relief payments for the unemployed and provide a direct support the poor eg soup kitchens
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What is CCC?
Civilian conservation corps, Provided paid labour for thousands of unemployed young man in forestry water and soil conservation projects by June 19 42 it’s had given work to more than 3 million people
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What is AAA?
Agricultural adjustment administration, Paid farmers to limit food production which meant prices and incomes rose this gave essential relieve the farmers and reformed agriculture by helping farmers to modernise and rebuild farms.
Social and economic
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What was the second new deal?
Focused more on improving social welfare and involved looking after the most vulnerable people.
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What was the Social Security act?
What was the Social Security act?In 1935 Americans aged over 65 receive government pension and workers could receive unemployment benefit if they lost the job schemes will also help the sick disabled and poor children.
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What was Wagner act
In 1935 workers had right to join trade unions without risk of being sacked National Labour Relations Board created to step in when employer and unions disagreed some workers weren’t covered like farmers
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What was the WPA?
The works progress Administration in 1935 created work for over 8.5 million people including jobs in construction and the arts
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What was the FSA?
The farm security Administration set up in 1936 settled families on government farms and gave advice on farming they helped tenant farmers apply for loans so they could afford to buy land
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How did the new deal affect social welfare and employment?
Agencies gave emergency release which improves peoples welfare in the short term and the social security act made social welfare long-term government concern. Unemployment didn’t end but it did go down in 1933 nearly 25% of workers were unemployed but by
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Why was the new deal opposed?
-declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court
-didn’t go far enough, employment was temporary
-spending too much money on the new deal
-didn’t benefit everyone (didn’t revive industry, discrimination of African Americans)
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What did the new deal achieve?
Restore confidence, helped trade unions, created millions of jobs, fewer businesses failed, standard of living rose for most
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What were the criticisms of the new deal?
Roosevelt was too involved, took power from local governments was unconstitutional, failed to challenge discrimination against African Americans, USA recovered more slowly than Europe, new deal didn’t go far enough
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How did popular culture change i the 1930’s?
Radio and film became popular entertainment, 28 million homes owned a radio, more advertisement on radio, talkies developed in late twenties meant 1930s Hollywood boomed, took mind of depression and restored confidence in America
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How did the war boost American industry?
In 1942 Roosevelt established war production board to organise production and recruitment to meet e and for war goods, business leaders helped, 500,000 new businesses established during war, lend lease-$10 million goods sent to Europe, civilians invested
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How did war help unemployment?
14 million worked in factories producing war goods,General Motors took o 750,000 new workers, may moved to cities where workers were needed, others drafted in the army, workers in demand meant increased wages
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How did the war effect African Americans?
WORKERS(2 million workers in factories, northern les segregated)SOLDIERS(over 1 million, war highlighted racism, could be officers but led separate squadrons, nurses could only treat African Americans, FEPC widespread discrimination, 10 of 30,000, 1939 on
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How did the war effect women?
Percentage of women in paid employment increased by 15%, replaced male workers who had gone to fight, 1/3 of plane constructors were women, 60% of managers said best workers were women,
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How did consumer spending change after the war?
More people shared wealth by 1920’s, American earned 3x uk, USA produced half of the worlds goods, many move to suburban areas for improved quality of life, bought on hire purchase or first credit card
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How did television change during the 1950’s?
By 1958 83% had TV, tv showed lots of advertisements for goods, showed wider range of role models, news and ideas
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How did youth culture change in the 1950’s?
Had different leisure activities, different taste of music which older generation didn’t like, teenagers became a social group
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How did rock ad roll music change society?
Elvis Presley had over 170 hits,
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How did fear of communism lead to another red scare?
An increase in fear-cold war, period of tension between USA and USSR,
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What is HUAC?
House Un-American Activities Committee
Anyone who critiqued America was seen as potential communist, investigated film stars, some were blackklisted
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What is McCarthyism?
Named after senator Joseph McCarthy, extreme anti-communism, member of HUAC, he claimed to have lit of government communists, senate set up hearings live on TV, Americans didn’t like him after he accused people in the army
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What were the legal challenges that helped end segregation?
1954 brown vs board of education-NACPP helped challenge school segregation, Linda Brown had to walk past white schools to get to her own, said to be unconstitutional but in 1957 Arkansas couldn’t integrate as they were unable t keep students safe, in Litt
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How did Dr King affect the Montgomery bus boycott?
In 1955 Rosa Parkes started protest that went on for over a year to stop segregation on busses in Alabama, she refused to give up her seat, she was arrested, the MIA Montgomery improvement association, passenger numbers fell, profits fell by 65%, 1965 Sup
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How did the sit ins and freedom rides change?
Sit-ins began in Greensboro in 1960, black students sat in white seats, by end of 1960 126 cities desegregated
Freedom rides in may 1961 travelled into segregated areas and refused o move
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How did some civil rights activists use violent tactics?
The Nation of Islam led by Malcolm X, he wanted African Americans to form their own state, assassinated in 1965, black panther movement-black people should arm themselves and force whites people to give them better quality of life
1065-7 saw riots Watts
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How did they help change views?
They gained national press however their action alarmed many and their violence showed the pace of range
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What events helped pass the civil rights act?
August 1963;200,000 AA and 50,000 W marched to Washington ‘I have a dream’,1964 civil rights act made it illegal to discriminate in housing and employment, 1965 voting marches 2.4% AA in Selma registered to vote, campaign aimed to persuade to vote an chal
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What did the voting rights act ‘change?
Allowed states to ensure voting took place properly, removed reading test. 1968 civil rights act topped housing discrimination on race, religion, in 1968 DR king was assassinated
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What did president Kennedy present as part of his new frontier?
JFK-first speech in 1961 “not what your country can do to you but what you ca do for your country” he wanted to tackle poverty, increased minimum wage and improved housing, assassinated 1963
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What did president Johnson want to do?
He declared war on poverty and he wanted to create a great society
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What did congress approve under Johnson?
1964; economic opportunity act[improved education for disadvantage young so could find work] 1964;development act[provided money to remove slum housing] 1965 medicar and medicad [provide medical insurance for over 65s and hospital care for poor
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How did America react to the new measures?
Republicans criticised as believed poor people should help themselves and state should not interfere
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What did Johnson do wrong?
It was an achievement to pass legislation, he had political skill, but he was see as responsible for disastrous war in Vietnam, is great society wasn’t enough for African Americans
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How did women make regress in the fight for equal rights?
Early 1960s strong feminist movement emerged to challenge limitations, womens liberation wanted to break free,
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What is NOW and what did it do?
In 1966 National organisation of women was formed, in 1968 member adopted a bill of rights skiing government to ban sex discrimination at work, guarantee maternity leave, provide equal education and training, allow access to abortion and contraception
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What act set equal pay for men and women in 1963?
The equal pay act
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What did the equal rights amendment act tried o do in 1972?
Tried to close some of the loopholes, women still only earned 70% of what men earned for ding the same job
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What else happened in 1972 that changed many young womens lives?
Supreme Court ensured contraception was available Legally to unmarried women
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What happened in 1973 that changed contraception further?
ROE VS WADE Supreme Court made abortion in the first three months legal and ensured the law was consistent across state lines, gave women more control
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Why was progress in woman’s equality slow?
Changing laws did not mean changing ideas, not all women support campaign, middle class were confortable didn’t like feminism, religious influences affected views, only cared if it affected them,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the constitution?


A document signed in 1789 which establishes the laws of the USA

Card 3


What role do voters play in the elections?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two political parties?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What role do state governments play in the federal system?


Preview of the front of card 5
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