
  • Created by: natalie
  • Created on: 05-04-16 09:51
Who was Hippocrates
Ancient greek doctor. Didn't believe illness was sent by gods. Had a big influence on doctors training and ideas on causes of disease in the roman empire.
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Hippocrates work
He thought no doctor should treat a patient if they don't know what he disease is. Doctors should respect all life. Created the Hippocratic Oath was promise to keep confidentiality between doctor and patient.
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Theory of the Four Humours. - hippocrates
Hippocrates made Four Humours theory. believed illness was a natural cause. Thought that if the humours are out of balance you can get sick.
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Developed theory of four humours into theory of opposites. When your sick- If your too hot, have something cool vice versa
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Roman doctors
Advised exercise, changes in diet, herbal medicine, theory of opposites.
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The romans beliefs
They often appealed to their gods to help them if they were ill. Sometimes making sacrifices. Often explained disease by supernatural causes.
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What are aqueducts
made by the romans, clean spring water was brought into city to drink
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Roman toilets
Removed watse from city (waste=disease) public tiolets and swers. But sewers emptied into river where people drank
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Roman baths
washing in public baths killed fleas, baths encouraged exercise and relaxation
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Collapse of public health system. No aqueducts so no fresh water. No human waste taken to sewers as aqueducts connected to sewers. No sanitation and exercise as roman baths gone
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Medieval/middle ages medicine and treatment
see folder
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The black death 1348
fleas-fur of black rats.
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Bubonic plague
More common. Carried through bloodstream of rats due to fleas. Fleas hopped onto humans passing on disease.
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Pneumonic plague
Less common, more deadly. Caught by breathing in germs released when infected person coughed or sneezed
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SYMPTOMS OF BLACK DEATH - start to finish
buboes (egg shaped lumps under arm/groin). begin to vomit. patches on skin due to internal bleeding. uncontrollable spasms in muscles. if very lucky, buboes pop releasing black pus MAY survive. Usually death.
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There was more contnuity than change in middle ages
lots stayed the same after romans left. same treatments (herbal, bleeding) Surgery thought to be risky. Still believed in supernatural causes
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Rebirth of learning.
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Churches influence
Church had a large influence as many believed in god as a cause for disease. Another reaason why not much changed
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Andreas Vesalius
Strongly believed in importance of anatomy. Believed the jaw had one jaw bone, not too which was against Galen. Dangerous to critisize the church which was linked with Galen.
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William Harvey
followed galen completely agreed with him. first to accurately describe how blood was pumped around the body by the heart.
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belief that disease was caused by bad air that was filled with poisonous fumes from rotting matter
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Spontaneous generation
disease was caused by germs that were produced by flesh and vegetables as they rotted
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Louis pasteur
discovered germ theory (that germs caused disease) in 1861
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Card 2


Hippocrates work


He thought no doctor should treat a patient if they don't know what he disease is. Doctors should respect all life. Created the Hippocratic Oath was promise to keep confidentiality between doctor and patient.

Card 3


Theory of the Four Humours. - hippocrates


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Card 4




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Card 5


Roman doctors


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