
  • Created by: TheOnlyL
  • Created on: 10-06-13 08:50
Translate "when i was younger"
Quando ero piu giovanve
1 of 28
Translate "i wanted to keep fit"
Volevo manternermi in forma
2 of 28
Translate "i used to walk everyday"
Camminavo ogni giorno
3 of 28
Translate "i used to like jogging"
Mi piaceva fare footing
4 of 28
Translate "i used to go to the gym"
Andavo in palestra
5 of 28
Translate "i used to play football"
Giocavo a calcio
6 of 28
Translate "i used to go to the pool"
Andavo in piscina
7 of 28
Trabslate "now"
8 of 28
Translate "i started playing..."
Ho cominciato a giocare a...
9 of 28
Translate "i stopped playing..."
Ho smesso di giocare a...
10 of 28
Translate "i have stopped smoking"
Ho smesso di fumare
11 of 28
Translate "i no longer play football"
Non gioco piu a calcio
12 of 28
Translate "i no longer go to the gym"
non vado piu in palestra
13 of 28
Translate "i don't eat much breakfast"
a colazione mangio poco
14 of 28
Translate "to keep myself fit..."
Per tenermi in forma
15 of 28
translate "i look after my diet"
sto attento alla dieta
16 of 28
Translate "idrink a lot of water"
Bevo molta acqua
17 of 28
Translate "i try to avoid fatty foods"
Cerco di evitare i cibi grassi
18 of 28
Translate "i eat fruit and vegetables"
Mangio frutta e verdura
19 of 28
Translate "i go by bicycle"
Vado in bicicletta
20 of 28
Tarnslate "i do a lot of sport"
Faccio molto sport
21 of 28
Translate "i don't go to bed late"
Non vado a letto tardi
22 of 28
Translate i don't drink alcohol"
non bevo alcolici
23 of 28
Translate "i don't smoke (any more)"
Non fumo (piu)
24 of 28
Translate "in the future"
In futuro
25 of 28
Translate "i'll go to the gym
Andro in palestra
26 of 28
Translate "i'll do aerobics"
Faro aerobica
27 of 28
Translate "i'll eat more fruit"
Mangero piu frutta
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Translate "i wanted to keep fit"


Volevo manternermi in forma

Card 3


Translate "i used to walk everyday"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Translate "i used to like jogging"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Translate "i used to go to the gym"


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




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