Health and Social Care

What are the three components of the circulatory system/cardiovascular system?
heart, blood vessels and blood
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what are the two circuits that the blood can travel through?
pulmonary and systemic
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What does the pulmonary circuit do?
carries blood to the lungs.
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What does the systemic circuit do?
carry blood around the body
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What are the five human body systems?
Central nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and respiratory system.
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what does the central nervous system effect?
brain, spinal cord and nerves
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What does the central nervous system do?
receives, processes and responds to physical stimilation. eg: burning hand on stove, body will tell you to remove hand from stove.
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What components do the circulatory system effect?
Hearrt, blood and blood vessels.
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What does the circulatory system do?
Help to deliver oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body and returns the blood to the heart, to be oxygenated again.
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What components does the digestive system effect?
Mouth, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus.
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What does the digestive system do?
break down the food into smaller substances, so the body can absorb and process into energy and also eliminate the resulting waste.
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What components does the Musculoskeletal system effect?
bones, joints, voluntary and involuntary muscles.
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what does the musculoskeletal system do?
help to support the bodys muscles and organs, joints allow the bones to move, voluntary muscles work in pairs to move joints, involuntary muscles which cant control are found in organs such as the heart.
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what components does the respitatory system effect?
nose, nasal cavity, trachea, lungs and blood.
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what does the respiratory system do?
helps to inhale air, use the oxygen in the air to release the energy and exhale the carbon dioxide that results from this process.
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name 5 organs of the body
brain, eyes, thyroid, skin, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, spleen, kidneys, prostate and bladder.
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what are the three care values within health and social care?
maintainining confidentiality, promototing individual rights and beliefs, and promoting equality and diversity.
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name three human rights
life, health and support, safety and security, employment and an income and education and personal development.
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what are 6 early years care values?
celebrating diveristy, anti discrimination, confidentiality, keeping children safe, equality of opportity, and working with other professionals.
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give three reasons why we need care values?
communication is easier, protect care workers and stops conflict.
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give two reasons what would happen if we didnt have care values?
disagreements and less progress.
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three ways why information should be kept confidential?
build relationships, trust, safe and secure
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when should confidentiality be broke?
when someone is in danger or on a need to know basis. The service user is at risk of harming others. The service user is intending to break the law.
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give two laws that protect confidentiality?
data protection act 1998.
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Why do we need a confidentiality policy?
keep individuals as safe as possible
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2 benefits of confidentiality for a service user
can trust them, empowers them, follows care values, system of redress, sort problems and creates a better atmosphere.
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what does implement mean?
putting it into place
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what does monitoring mean?
checking up.
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what is social exclusion?
when an individual, group or area is isolated or excluded from a particular group, services or activities.
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3 examples of where social exclusion can occur in health and social care?
hospitals, gp surgeries, support groups and early years education.
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why could social exclusion occur?
increased unemployment, more children growing up in a workless household, due to increasion in lone parent families and rising levels of crime, drug misuse and anti social behaviour.
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impact on a individual from social exclusion?
more likely to go to a failing school, get fewer qualifications, higher risk of unemployment, poorer health and crime.
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what is open access?
this means that every individual regardless of their characteristics or circumstances has the same access and avaliablity to any health care provision.
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what is self referral?
individuals who suspect that they have a health problem who can access the services that they need through their Gp.
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what is professional referral?
individuals who contact a health professional eg if a professional suspects that they have a problem they can refer directly to the gp.
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what is third party referral?
a non professional person eg: relative/friend contacts the services on behalf of someone else.
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what are 4 agencies of secondary socialism?
work, media, internet, education
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what is a heart attack?
blockage in one of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles.
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what is arteriosclerosis?
the artery going into spasm.
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What is F.A.S.T relating to stroke?
Face: fallen on one side/unable to smile. Arms can they raise both arms and keep them there. Speech is there speech slurred. Time to call 999.
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why is a stroke caused?
a stroke is caused by a block or interruption in the flow of blood to the brain
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what is scerosis?
thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity of the wals of blood vessells.
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give 4 symptoms of an heart attack
severe pain in chest and stomach, pain lasting from minutes to hours, heart rate becoming rapid, light headed, sweat, and get short of breath and feel sick.
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what is the cause of an heart attack?
a coronary arter is suddenly blocked by a blood clot.
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what is heart dysfunction?
heart muscles deteriorates due to age or values in heart do not work well because of becoming less elastic.
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how can heart conditions affect the quality of an old persons life?
struggle to do normal activities, dependent on others, isolate thereselves and low self esteem/condition.
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what are the 5 barriers to health care?
physical, psychological, financial, geographysical, and cultural/language.
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what is the effect on the physical barrier and how can the providers remove it?
mobility or disbility. Could be removed by providing wheel chair access/ring ride, lifts and disabled toilets and rails.
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what is the effect on the psychological barrier and how can the providers remove it?
the effect is that they might not get treatment and may be scared to ask for trouble. It may get removed by bringing friends, removing the stigma and raising awareness.
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what is the effect on the Financial barrier and how can the providers remove it?
the effect is that they wont be able to afford treatment so that they cannot go. The providers can remove this by making treatments free and providing treatment and free transport.
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what is the effect on the geographysical barrier and how can the providers remove it?
feel isolated so wont get the help. the providers can remove this by joining a social club.
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what is the effect on thecultural/language barrier and how can the providers remove it?
feel lonely and less confident. the providers can remove this by providing support.
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give 3 reasons how services can facilate access to all users?
adapting premises, raising awareness and changing attititudes, promoting self-advovacy, identifying additional funding and joint planning and fundining for intergrated services and for effective care.
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where does cancer of the bowel develop?
large bowel (colon)
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why could you get cancer of the bowel?
family history, long term conditions such as crohns disease, low fibre, fruit and vegetabled diets.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the two circuits that the blood can travel through?


pulmonary and systemic

Card 3


What does the pulmonary circuit do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the systemic circuit do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the five human body systems?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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