Health and Safety Laws

  • Created by: jacko0
  • Created on: 05-05-16 12:25
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The work place should be a safe working environment, the equipment must be safe, the access to the building should be safe, the systems and operations should be used and performed safely and the workers must cooperaate.
1 of 9
Control of substances hazardous to health. Chemicals have to be locked away from customers. Record how much and when the chemicals are used.
2 of 9
The following must be reported to RIDDOR: Death and major injury, lost time due to injury, diseases and dangerous accidents even when nobody is hurt e.g. fire
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6 Pack: Management of health and safety at work
Risk assessments
4 of 9
Manual Handling Operations Regs
Training your staff to lift properly and safely
5 of 9
PUWER Provision and use of work equipment regulations
Regu;larly maintaining and checking equipment
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PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Train staff to use proper protective equipment safely
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Display Screen Equipment Regs
Regular breaks if workers are using computers, regular eye checks and screens and chairs at the correct hieght
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Childrens Act
DBS check anyone who works with children for a criminal record.
9 of 9

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Card 2


Control of substances hazardous to health. Chemicals have to be locked away from customers. Record how much and when the chemicals are used.



Card 3


The following must be reported to RIDDOR: Death and major injury, lost time due to injury, diseases and dangerous accidents even when nobody is hurt e.g. fire


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Card 4


Risk assessments


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Card 5


Training your staff to lift properly and safely


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