Other questions in this quiz

2. At room temperature Chlorine is a gas and Astatine is a solid why is this?

  • The smaller atomic radii has a weaker Van der Waals force, as a higher number of electrons increases the strength of the Van der Waals force
  • Astatine contains metallic bonding
  • Chlorine is more reactive

3. What structure do Group 7 elements exist as?

  • Diatomic molecules
  • Individual atoms
  • Large covalent lattices

4. What is the trend of melting/boiling points going down Group 7?

  • The melting/boiling points increase so lower Group 7 elements such as Iodine are solid
  • The melting/boiling points decrease so lower Group 7 elements such as Astatine are gases
  • There is no general trend as all Group 7 elements are gases

5. Why does the reactivity of the halogens decrease as you get further down?

  • The lower Group 7 elements have full P sub-shells
  • There is an increase in shielding due to a larger atomic radii, which reduces the nuclear force of attraction
  • The reactivity doesn't decrease , it increases


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