Graph theory definitions

A ----- is a network of dots ( vertices ) connected by lines ( edges ).
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Degree of a vertex
The ------ -- - ------ is the number of edges connected to the vertex, counting any loop as connected twice
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Multiple edges
Two or more edges linking the same pair of vertices are called ------- -----
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An edge joining a vertex to itself is called a ----
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Simple graph
A ------ ----- is one that has no loops or multiple edges.
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Two vertices V and W of a graph are -------- if they are linked by an edge E.
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An edge E is -------- with the vertices it touches.
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Two graphs G and H are ---------- if H can be obtained by re-labeling the vertices of G.
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A -------- H of a graph G is a graph all of whose vertices are of G and all of whose edges are of G
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Degree Sequence
The ------ -------- of a graph G is the sequence obtained by listing the vertex degrees of G in ascending order, with repeats as necessary.
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A ---- of length K is a succession of k edges. (for example a walk of length 3 could be denoted AB,BC,CD)
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A ----- is a walk in which all the edges but not necessarily the vertices are different.
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A ----is a walk in which all the edges AND all the vertices are different.
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A graph is --------- if there is a path between any two of its vertices. Otherwise it is disconnected.
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Disconnected graph
Any ------------ ----- is the union of connected subgraphs, called components
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An edge in a connected graph is a ------ if it's deletion leaves a disconnected graph
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Closed Walk
A ------ ---- in a graph is a walk that starts and ends at the same vertex.
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Closed Trail
A ------ -----l is a closed walk in which all the edges are different.
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A ----- is a closed walk in which all the edges and all intermediate vertices are different.
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Regular Graph
A graph is -------if it's vertices all have the same degree. A ------- ----- is r-regular if the degree of each vertex is r.
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A ---- is a connected graph with no cycles.
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Eulerian trail
A -------- ----- is a closed trail containing every edge of graph G
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Eulerian Graph
A -------- ----- is a graph for which an Eulerian trail exists
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A non Eulerian graph G is ----_-------- if there is an open trail containing every edge of G
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A directed graph ( or -------) D consists of a non-empty vertex set V and a finite family A of ordered pairs vw of vertices v,w that are elements of the set V , called arcs.
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Simple Digraph
A digraph D is a ------ ------- if the arcs of D are all distinct and there are no loops.
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Connected Digraphs
A digraph is connected if it's underlying graph is connected.
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Strongly connected
A digraph D is -------- --------- if for any two vertices v,w that are a part of D there is a path from v to w on the digraph.
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A graph G is ---------- if each edge of G can be directed such that the resulting digraph is strongly connected.
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Eulerian Digraph
A connected digraph D is -------- if there exists a trail containing every arc of D
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Outdegree of a vertex
The --------- -- - ------ v is the number of arcs VW. The In-degree is the number of arcs WV.
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Hamiltonian digraph
A digraph D is ----------- if there is a cycle that includes every vertex of D.
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A digraph D is ----_----------- if there is a path that passes through every vertex of D
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A ---------- is a digraph in which any two vertices are joined by exactly one arc.
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A ------ is a (not necessarily connected) graph with no cycles
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Cycle rank
The number of edges removed in the procedure ( of removing cycles one edge at a time ) is the ----- ---- ( gamma ) of G.
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Cutset Rank
The number of edges in a spanning tree is the ------ ---- (Xi) of G
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Planar Graphs
A ------ ----- is a graph that can be drawn in the plane without crossings. ( may also be called a plane graph)
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Crossing number
The -------- ------ cr(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings that can occur when G is drawn in the plane
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Two graphs are ------------ if both can be obtained from the same graph by inserting additional vertices of degree 2 into it's edges.
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A graph G is ------------ to another graph H' if H' can be obtained by successively contracting edges of H. That is, by removing an edge and identifying it's end vertices
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If G is a planar graph then any plane drawing of G divides the points on the plane that are not on G into regions- called -----. One of these faces is unbounded it is called the infinte face.
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Face Degree
Let G be a connected planar graph, and F be any face of a plane drawing of G. Then the degree of F, written deg(F) is the number of edges of the boundary of face F
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A graph G ( without loops ) is -_---------- if you can assign one of k colours to each vertex so that adjacent vertices have different colours
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Chromatic number
If G is k-colourable but not (k-1)-colourable then we call G k-chromatic and it's --------- ------ ( chi of G ) is k
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A --- is a 3-connected plane graph
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Colouring of maps
a map is k colourable if it's faces can be coloured with k colours such that no two faves with a common boundary edge have the same colour
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Graph G is -_----_--------- if the smallest number of edges that must be deleted to disconnect G is >= k . ( i.e any cutset of G has >= k edges)
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Graph G is -_--------- if the smallest number of vertices that must be deleted to disconnect G is >= k
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A ------- N is a weighted digraph where each arc, a , is assigned a positive number ( psi(a)) called it's capacity.
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A cut in a network
A --- -- - ------- is a set A of arcs such that each path from v to w includes and arc in A. A cut is a vw-disconnecting set.
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Capacity of a cut
The -------- -- - --- is the sum of the capacities of the arcs in A
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Minimum cut
A ------- --- is a cut with minimal capacity
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Complete matching
A -------- -------- from A to B in a bipartite graph G(A,B) is a one to one correspondence between the vertices in A and a subset of vertices in B such that corresponding vertices are joined.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The ------ -- - ------ is the number of edges connected to the vertex, counting any loop as connected twice


Degree of a vertex

Card 3


Two or more edges linking the same pair of vertices are called ------- -----


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


An edge joining a vertex to itself is called a ----


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A ------ ----- is one that has no loops or multiple edges.


Preview of the back of card 5
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I just wanted to say that the gaps are usually just the word on the front, but it makes them possible to use the crossword feature :) 

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