Gov & Pol - Anarchism

  • Created by: tayloruk
  • Created on: 03-01-20 10:37
A term used to describe the most extreme examples of individualist anarchism whom oppose all social organisation ("Nihil" meaning nothing).
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The aspect of human nature where people take into account the needs and feelings of others when making decisions.
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The 4 main strands of Anarchism?
Philosophical, Communist, Collectivist & Individualist
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Who created the Idea of private judgement?
William Godwin, refers to the way in which people will be able to make rational and non-selfish judgements about how they should act when society ceases to be corrupt.
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Anarchism is Anti-Clerical what does this mean?
Against religious bodies / Anti religion
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All but one strand of Anarchists beleive capitalism is bad True/False
True, The exception is Anarcho-capitalists (of course)
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refers to an economic system where independant associations of workers cooperate and trade with each other on mutually beneficial terms and is built to replace capitalism
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A theory of a society without a state would be run instead by free, self-governing communes of people.
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The origin of the word sydicialism coems from the French word for trade union "Syndicat" what are anarcho-syndicalists?
Syndicalists beleive in a stateless society where workers are gathered into groups based on industrial occupation for mutual benefit.
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Card 2


The aspect of human nature where people take into account the needs and feelings of others when making decisions.



Card 3


The 4 main strands of Anarchism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who created the Idea of private judgement?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Anarchism is Anti-Clerical what does this mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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